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Deposit Refunds by Electronic Payments

The EP Processing program does not support the splitting of Student Deposit Refunds for split families. 




Check Portal Security Permissions

System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions: Parent Lounge

Ensure that the 'Student Deposit Refund' permission is enabled. 

The Deposit Refunds menu item in Parent Lounge will only become visible when there is a Student Deposit Refund Parent Lounge task requiring action.


Distribute Deposit Monies

Parent Accounts > Student Deposit Refunds > Distribute Deposit Monies

  1. Set the search filters according to your requirements. Click 'Go'.

Note that you can leave these blank to search for all records. 

  1. Alternatively, you can edit each row individually.

Using the buttons at the top you can distribute the deposit held to the Parent Account or refund to the Parent. These buttons will apply the same action to all records below.

You can click the 'Auto' button to automatically apply the deposit refund to parent accounts that have a debit balance and refund to parents who have a $0.00 or credit balance.

  1. Click 'Update'.

  2. Optionally: You can click Print Batch to print a copy of the distributions.

Refer to the Distribute Deposit Monies documentation for further information on how to distribute deposit monies.


Apply Deposit Distribution

Parent Accounts > Student Deposit Refunds > Apply Deposit Distribution

Refer to the Apply Deposit Distribution documentation for further information.


Create Parent Lounge Tasks

Parent Accounts > Student Deposit Refunds > EP Processing & Updates from PL

  1. Tick the checkboxes for the Student's that you want to create the a Parent Lounge Task for. 

  2. Select the 'Create Parent Lounge Task' Button

  3. Acknowledge the pop up modal by clicking 'Go'. 

You can preview the email template prior to sending emails to parents.

If the checkbox is disabled, hover over the icons to the left to reveal why you are unable to select the checkbox.


Parent Completes Task

Once a Parent Lounge Task has been created, Parents will receive an email instructing them to login to Parent Lounge. A task will appear in the 'Items to Action' left menu of the Parent Lounge homepage.

From there they can either select the link in the task in the 'Items to Action' left menu or alternatively, select Accounts & Payments > Deposit Refunds

In this program, they will need to enter their bank details for each Student Deposit Refund.


Updates from Parent Lounge

Finance > Parent Accounts > Student Deposit Refunds > EP Processing & Updates from PL

Once a parent has completed their details, an 'Updates from Parent Lounge' button will appear in the toolbar at the top of the EP Processing & Updates from PL page. 

Clicking this will allow you to accept each of the Student Deposit Refund details provided by parents.



Process Student Deposit Refunds via Accounts Payable, similarly to a Supplier Invoice.

Refer to the Payment Calculator documentation for further information.

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