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Creating a New Post

Users (students or teachers) to a forum can then post messages against threads.

When you create a new thread you would normally create at least one post as a starting point for the discussion.

From the 'Discussion Forums > Subject Class (or Custom Group)' screen, click on the 'Thread Title' to access the posts for that thread.

This is an example:

  1. Click the 'Edit' button to modify an existing post.  You can edit your own posts or students' posts.

  2. Click the 'Delete' link to remove a post from the thread.

  3. Click the 'Add Post' button to create a new post for a thread.

  4. Click the 'Quote' button to reply to a post from a student or teacher with the original message embedded in your reply.

  5. Click the 'Reply' button to reply to a post from a student or teacher. The replied message will display “in reply to (users name) on (date/time)”

Click the 'Refresh' button to reload the screen to view new posts.

Below is an example of a new post or a reply to a student or teacher post.


Enter the content of your post here.

The rich text editor can be used to format the appearance of the text you enter.


You can attach files such as documents or images to a post.

Click on the 'Choose' button in the 'Attachment' field and navigate to select the file you wish to upload for your post.

Click the 'Save' button to save this post to the database.

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