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ColdFusion Server Logs

The Server Logs program (also known as the System Log Viewer) provides access to backend log files via the frontend in System Admin > Utilities > Server Logs.

When loaded, it displays a page heading 'Server Logs -' followed by the date and time the page was loaded, plus a grid containing all the log files in the [ColdFusionXX]/cfusion/logs directory on the server sorted alphabetically by Log File Name.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Access to the Server Logs program is controlled by 'Administration' permissions on the 'Server Logs' security point.

To enable this function use TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.

An example of where these logs may be useful is when troubleshooting email issues for instance. There's a log file on the server named 'mailsent.log' which logs all emails that have been successfully sent. 

Buttons on the Server Logs Screen

  • Refresh: Click the 'Refresh' icon is clicked the grid will be reloaded.

Fields that require further explanation

Log File Name

The Name of the Log File on the server.

File Size

File Size in KB.

Last Modified

Date and Time File last modified in 12 hour format (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM).


'Download' (save a copy to a local file).

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