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BOR - Leave Log

This program is predominately used to provide a snapshot of the boarders who are currently out on leave.

It also caters for:

  • The entry of a new leave record. 
    It does this by linking to the 'Boarders Leave Entry' screen.

    For full details of this process click on this link 'adding a new boarder leave record'.

  • Checking a boarder back in from leave.
    To do this, click on the 'Check-in' active link in the 'Action' column. A 'Leave Log' screen will be displayed, showing details of the leave record.
    Click the 'Confirm' button to finalise the check-in process for this boarder's leave record.

You can sort the data that appears in the 'Leave Log' by clicking on the column headings that are underlined. You can also print the information by clicking on the 'Print' button.

You can use the 'Re-select' button to refine your search for the boarders who are currently on leave, e.g. Year 12 only. You can then click the 'Refresh' button to return the log to the original state displaying all boarders who are currently on leave.

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