Adding a Bulk PC Entry
This program allows you to enter the same PC Entry to a number of students.
Click the 'Bulk Add' button to display the 'Pastoral Care Entry' screen.
For details on the first screen when adding a bulk PC Entry refer to 'Adding a New PC Entry'.
Differences on this screen when recording a bulk PC Entry:
The student selection happens on the next screen.
The subject selection happens on the next screen (if applicable).
Complete the 'Pastoral Care Entry' details and select the 'Next' button to proceed to the student allocation screen.
Allocating Multiple Students to a Pastoral Care Entry
Search Options
There are several ways in which you can search for students.
Subject Class.
Extra-Curricular Activity.
Events & Payments – Current.
Events & Payments – Completed.
My Saved Reports.
Once you have selected your 'Search Mode', the filters below will dynamically change.
First, select the 'Filter By' option, and then the 'Filter Value 1 and 2' where applicable.
Use the 'My Saved Reports' option to create a bulk entry for students who were included in one of your saved reports created by one of the following programs:
Student Absences (Lists/emails).
Class List/Emails.
Student Notes (Lists/Emails).
Student Details (Lists/emails).
PC Entries (Lists/Emails).
For example, you may need to create a Bulk PC Entry for students who were involved in a previous PC Entry.
Use Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > PC Entries (Lists/Emails) to identify the students and save this to your 'My Saved Reports'. Then use this Bulk Entry program to create a follow-up PC Entry for this group of students.
Click the 'GO' button to complete the search and display the students in the 'Choose from these Students' column.
To allocate students to this PC Entry:
Select the students by clicking with your mouse.
Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking, enables selection of multiple students.
Use the arrow buttons to move the selected students to the 'Students Allocated to Pastoral Care Incident' column.
Click the 'Save' button to record your entry to the database or click the 'Previous' button to return to the 'Pastoral Care Entry' screen.