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3. Adding or Removing People by List

Adding or removing people from lists based on other lists is a three-step process.

Step 1

Click 'List' to add or remove people from a list using the people in another list.

The list that you selected will be the one used by this process.

Step 2

The next screen will display all of the 'Lists' that can be used to add or remove people.

You will be provided with three options against each one:

  1. Add people from this list.

  2. Remove people in this list.

  3. Remove people who are not on this list.

The 'List' you select in this step will be the source for the action selected (above).

It will not be affected by this process unless you select the option 'Remove People in this list' for the same list that you selected in Step 1.

Step 3

This screen will provide you with a 'Person UD' tab as search criteria to further filter the people that will be added to the 'List'. 

The 'Build' tab will allow you to select people of a particular 'Entity' to add or remove.

Check the title at the top of the screen if you wish to check that you are processing the correct list and the correct function.

  1. Add people on this list.
    This mode provides the ability to copy the entries of people from one list into another list. As the people are copied across, the system performs a check on whether any of the people being copied already exist in the target list and only adds the people who are not already in the target list.

This provides you with the ability to combine two or more lists into one, and automatically remove any duplicates where a person exists in two or more lists.

  1. Remove people on this list.
    This mode provides the ability to remove people from a target list if they are in another nominated list.

This function can be used if you want to remove certain people from a 'Whole of School' mail out where those people in the list have already received the article by other means.

  1. Remove people who are not on this list.
    This mode will allow you to remove any people from a target list who are not in another nominated list. An example of using this being used is where you wish to find out which people meet complex search criteria perhaps spanning across multiple entities.


Find people who are 'Current Parents' of a Year 11 student and who are 'Past Students' themselves who attended the school between 1980 and 1990, and who have a 'Donor' status of 'Silver'.


In this instance, you would create three lists, each containing the results of 'Entity' based searches.

List 1 — Containing Past Students, filtered by Date of Leaving between '1/1/1980' and '31/12/1990'.

List 2 — Containing current parents, filtered by student Year group = '11'.

List 3 — Containing Donors, filtered by Donor Status = 'Silver'.

Then use the List > Remove people who are not in this list facility to do the following:

  1. Remove people from list 1 who are not in List 2.

  2. Remove people from list 1 who are not in List 3.

After this process, List 1 would then be left with only the people who met the criteria for all three lists.


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