Major Items
Module | Details |
Markbook Save Prompt | Enhancement to Markbook. A browser prompt has been introduced to prevent closing or navigating away (e.g., back button, refresh, reload the page) from the Markbook Activity Assessment grid entry screen when there are unsaved changes. When results have been entered or modified, and the user attempts to close a browser tab or navigate away from the Markbook Activity Assessment page without saving, a browser prompt will appear to warn users that 'changes made may not be saved'. |
Custom Rolls: Student Absences | The Staff Kiosk Rollcall > Custom Rolls program can now display each student’s school attendance status for the day. For example, if students are absent from school, their default status on a Custom Roll would be set to 'absent'. A new 'Mark All' button has been added to the Custom Rolls screen, allowing roll markers to switch all students to 'absent' or 'present' with just one click. Custom Roll setup parameters have been introduced for each new feature, so schools can choose the default settings used and available to roll markers. |
What's New?
Module | Menu | Details | Customer | Reference |
Attendance Self Registration Portal (ASR) | Student Check In/Out | Enhancement to Student Check In/Out feature. The Student Check In/Out portal (SCIO) will default to the Attendance Self Registration (ASR) portal during each student's timetabled school hours. | MIS01 | TASS-3663 |
Staff Kiosk > Links | School Links (Maintain) | Enhancement to School Links (Maintain) > Create/Edit School Link. A new checkbox field has been introduced to display School Links in the 'Staff Orbit Side Menu'. When Teacher Kiosk is ticked, and a Staff Orbit license is installed, selecting this checkbox will enable the school link to appear in the Staff Orbit app. | MIS01 | TASS-3756 |
Staff Kiosk > Assessment | Markbook | Enhancement to Markbook > Activity Assessment screen. A browser prompt has been introduced to prevent users from closing or navigating away from the grid entry screen when there are unsaved changes. | MIS01 | TASS-2490 |
Staff Kiosk > Rollcall | Custom Rollcall Parameters (Setup) | Enhancement to Custom Rollcall Parameters (Setup). Two new setup parameters have been introduced:
| MIS01 | TASS-3650 |
Staff Kiosk > Rollcall | Custom Rolls | Enhancement to Custom Rolls. Two new features have been introduced:
| MIS01 | TASS-3651 |
TASS.web > Academic Reporting | Copy Data to Archive | Enhancement to Academic Reporting to ensure the sort number is accurately copied along with the data when using the 'Copy Data to Archive' program. | MIS01 | TASS-3572 |
TASS.web > API Gateway Maintenance | CeD3 API | Enhancement to TASS APIs > CeD3 (API09). The 'getStudents' endpoint has been updated to include the sort order and return student data by Surname, Given Name and Student Code. | MIS01 | TASS-3468 |
TASS.web > Parent Accounts | Parent Statements | Enhancement to Parent Statements. A pop-up alert has been introduced, prompting users to confirm the correct number of statements they wish to send before they are released to parents. For example, to confirm that you want to send 94 Parent Statements by email (where possible), enter the value 94 in the field below and click 'Send'. | STP01 | TASS-2500 |
TASS.web > Payroll | Pay Envelopes | Pay Envelopes have been updated to include the employees' First Names instead of their initials. | SPR01 | TASS-1232 |
TASS.web > Student Records | Details Listing | Enhancement to the Details Listing to allow users with a User ID of more than 7 characters to create a schedule from the My Saved Lists program. | GOO06 | TASS-3320 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to API Gateway Maintenance: Parent Orbit Push Notification has been updated to use the new HTTP v1 API method. Data migration will ensure a seamless transition to the new Parent Orbit Push Notification method HTTP v1 API. | MIS01 | TASS-3915 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Parent API. The 'getAPISetupDetails endpoint' has been updated to include the Current Semester field from Timetable Setup. | MIS01 | TASS-3667 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Parent API. The 'getSportHubSetup' endpoint has been updated to include the Sort Code of the Activity Type. | MIS01 | TASS-3602 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. A new endpoint has been introduced for 'getCurrentlyWith' to support the 'Currently With' workflow in the Staff Orbit app. | MIS01 | TASS-3752 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. The 'getAPISetupDetails' endpoint has been updated to include the Current Semester field from Timetable Setup. | MIS01 | TASS-3666 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to OAuth2 API Applications > Orbit Staff API. Two new endpoints, 'getStaffSchoolLinks' and 'getStaffSchoolLinksAttachment' have been introduced to support Staff School Links in the Staff Orbit app. | MIS01 | TASS-3758 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Enhancement to TASS APIs > LMS (API03). The 'getStudentSubjects' endpoint has been updated to accept either a single student code or the keyword 'ALL' as an input parameter. This change now allows for a comma-delimited list of student codes to be provided while still maintaining the existing functionality for a single code or 'ALL'. | MIS01 | TASS-3355 |
Module | Menu | Details | Customer | Reference |
Parent Lounge > Accounts & Payments | School Fees Account | Correction to display the correct Terms and Conditions PDF hyperlink when parents link Payment Methods to a Payment Schedules in Parent Lounge. | LOU01 | TASS-3125 |
Parent Lounge > Events and Payments | Events | Fix applied to ensure Event attachments display in Parent Lounge. | MAC03 | TASS-3922 |
Staff Kiosk > Assessment | Markbook | Correction to Markbook: When adding a new comment from the Global Comment Bank or Personal Comment Bank, a space will be inserted to separate the new comment from an existing comment. | MIS01 | TASS-3566 |
Staff Kiosk > Assessment | Markbook | Correction to resolve the error that occured when a user with Restricted Supervisor Access tries to access a teacher's subject within their department without having a subject code for that subject themselves. | ORM01 | TASS-1430 |
Staff Kiosk > Student Profile | Curricular Activities | Fix applied to the 'Back' button that displays on the screen when you navigate to Curricular Activities, click the 'See All' button, and select an Activity. | STH01 | TASS-3180 |
Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular | Extra Curricular Groups | Correction to Extra Curricular Groups: When creating a custom roll in the Extra Curricular Activity Sessions modal and selecting the 'All Team/Levels' option along with a recurrence, the resulting roll will now include all students across teams, as expected. | MIS01 | TASS-3712 |
Staff Kiosk > Student Records | Students | Correction to display a student's 'Preferred Surname' if it differs from the 'Surname'. | IPS02 | TASS-2306 |
TASS.web > Utilities | API Gateway Maintenance | Correction to OAuth2 API calls to increase Orbit Staff API performance and reliability. | MIS01 | TASS-3716 |
TASS.web > Academic Reporting | Copy Data to Archive | Fix applied to ensure the correct Assessment Method sort order displays in the drop-down list for each Objective in Markbook > Enter Results and Comments. | CAR02 | TASS-1279 |
TASS.web > Accounts Payable | Payments with GL Details | Correction to the Accounts Payable Payment Report to ensure that GL Details match payment records, and the Cheque/EP number corresponds to the Bank Code used for the payments. | COO02 | TASS-3095 |
TASS.web > Commercial Debtors | Invoices | Correction to Invoices program to ensure that the Customer Code appears when viewing posted Commercial Debtors invoices. | MAR02 | TASS-2743 |
TASS.web > Fixed Assets | Assets | Correction to ensure 'Add Note' functions with special characters in the Asset description. | TORR01 | TASS-3518 |
TASS.web > General Ledger | General Ledger Setup | Correction to 'Group Codes' tab > 'New Group Code' button, to allow alphanumeric characters with hyphens and full stops in the 'Code' field. | SWA01 | TASS-3580 |
TASS.web > General Ledger | Journals | Correction to ensure that Journal lines display in sequential order and resolve the issue where the order of the records in the GL Grid was inconsistent. | KIN01 | TASS-3632 |
TASS.web > General Ledger | Journals | Correction to improve load times and program performance when printing reports. When 'Export to Excel' is selected, the 'Alternate Row Colours' formatting option will be disabled. | KIN01 | TASS-3096 |
TASS.web > General Ledger | Journals | Fix applied to prevent inaccuracies when rounding large numbers and multi-billion dollar calculations in GL Journals. | GLE01 | TASS-3736 |
TASS.web > Parent Accounts | Automated Credit Apply | Correction to Automated Credit Apply program User Permissions. Access to the 'GO' button for is now controlled by the 'Automated Credit Apply' user permission points instead of the 'Parent Banking Information' user permission points. | HUN01 | TASS-1761 |
TASS.web > Parent Accounts | Ledger Trail Balance | Correction to allow the last Ledger Trial Balance Report configuration to be deleted if required. | MIS01 | TASS-3548 |
TASS.web > Parent Accounts | Parent Statements | Correction to ensure that the preference selected for the 'Parents without a Payment Schedule' checkbox is retained when using Saved Configurations to produce Parent Statements. | MIS01 | TASS-2497 |
TASS.web > Parent Accounts | Parent Statements | Correction to Parent Statements to resolve the error that occurred when attempting to generate statements for schools that do not use payment schedules. | KIN01 | TASS-3911 |
TASS.web > Payroll | Employees | Correction to the Online Timesheets section of the 'Permanent Pays' tab to ensure the 'Rate of Pay' column references the correct data. | GLE01 | TASS-3522 |
TASS.web > School Shop | Shop Transaction | Correction to Sale Entry to allow enrolled students to be selected from the picklist, and allow users to add stock or detailed entry of items into the Transaction Grid for the selected student. | MIS01 | TASS-3560 |
TASS.web > Student Records | Students | Correction to the MCEECDYA Grid. The Indigenous Status option 'Aboriginal & TSI' has been updated to 'Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander'. | CEO01 | TASS-3339 |
TASS.web > Users | Orbit Dashboard | Fix applied to enable text search in the Parent Orbit Communication Logs when filters are applied. | MIS01 | TASS-3505 |
TASS.web > Users | User Maintenance | Correction to User Permission display order. The 'Student Illness/Daily Log' permission point has been relocated to the above 'Updates from Parent Lounge' in the Medical Records section. | MIS01 | TASS-3178 |
TASS.web > Utilities | Exception Log | Fix applied to the Exception Log to correct the retrieval and output of the exception. | MIS01 | TASS-2219 |
TASS.web > Parent Accounts | Ledger Trail Balance | Correction to the 'Print' tab to resolve the error that occurred when generating the Ledger Trial Balance report and exporting it to Word. | MIS01 | TASS-3549 |