Major Items
Module | Details |
TASS Parent Orbit App | Several enhancements have been made for the TASS Parent Orbit App, as a part of the Pilot Launch. These include: School Links: Staff Kiosk > School Links > School Links (Maintain):
Push Notifications: support for Push Notifications, targeted from Staff Kiosk and Pastoral Care.
Extra Curricular History: including the following information:
Staff Kiosk Markbook | This release includes further enhancements in the Staff Kiosk Markbook. The 'Include all subject classes' box displays to subject Department Administrators and HODS allowing them to view students from all classes of the subject, their Final Results and Overall Subject Grades.
What's New?
Module | Menu | Details | Customer | Reference |
Staff Kiosk > Assessment | Markbook | Enhancement to Staff Kiosk Markbook: Activities now display when the 'All Subject Classes' option is ticked. Previously only Final Results and Overall Subject Grades displayed. | N/A | TASS-311 |
Staff Kiosk > Assessment | Markbook | Enhancement to Staff Kiosk Markbook: When the 'All Subject Classes' option is selected, the 'Calculation Details' pop up screen now includes a picklist to allow each class to be selected to view its calculation details. | N/A | TASS-394 |
Staff Kiosk > Assessment | Markbook | Enhancement to Staff Kiosk Markbook: Activity results from past periods can no longer be entered/edited from within a current reporting period in Markbook. They can still be made visible and used in Final Results and Overall Subject Grade calculations if required. | N/A | TASS-419 |
Staff Kiosk > Assessment | Markbook | Enhancement to Staff Kiosk Markbook: The 'Export to Excel' function now includes the 'Include Translated Scores' checkbox, which converts calculated non-numeric results to the numeric value in the export file. | N/A | TASS-189 |
Staff Kiosk > Parent/Student Communications | Generate Emails | Performance enhancement to reduce the load on the database when adding images to emails. | N/A | TASS-292 |
Staff Kiosk > Assessment | Markbook | Enhancement to Markbook: A 'TrackOne Analytics' button now displays in a class's Markbook screen which takes the user to the class's continuous assessment results screen in TrackOne. TrackOne integration must be set up and the 'Enable access to TrackOne Learning Analytics from Staff Kiosk Markbook' option ticked. | N/A | TASS-187 |
TASS.web > General | PRS | Enhancement to TASS Usage Statistics to create a record for single sign-on (SSO) applications, allowing for TASS usage statistics to be tracked and analysed. | N/A | TASS-332 |
TASS.web > Enrolments | Transfer to Current | Enhancement to Student 'UD Areas' - for Enterprise schools only. | CEO01 | TASS-263 |
Module | Menu | Details | Customer | Reference |
TASS.web > Enrolments | Online Enrolment Applications | Correction to ensure that past students can be found through the Search function in the Enrolments module in Enterprise environments. | CEO01 | TASS-167 |
TASS.web > Parent Records | Parent Information > Parents | Adjustments made to Search Re-indexing Scheduled Task to be less resource intensive. | N/A | TASS-326 |
TASS.web > TASS.web (General) | Login | Fix applied when Staff Kiosk session expires to prompt SAML login rather than TASS/LDAP. | NUD01 | TASS-268 |
TASS.web > Payroll | Position Roles | Fix applied so that when editing a School Areas Description it remains active upon save. | LIN01 | TASS-269 |
TASS.web > Accounts Payable | Invoices | Correction to ensure invoices print with the correct page numbers. | WHI02 | TASS-279 |
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HR | Leave Applications | Correction to record details correctly in a Leave Application's 'Change Log'. When a user edits an application and splits a leave date, the additional leave record's 'Type' entry will be 'Insert' instead of 'Update'. | N/A | TASS-161 |
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HR | Leave Applications | Correction to record details correctly in a Leave Application's 'Change Log'. The 'Leave Type' column now populates correctly for 'Other' applications. | N/A | TASS-177 |
Staff Kiosk > Listings | Extra Curricular List - Student | Fix applied so that an Extra Curricular List can be generated with the 'Attendance Status' option ticked. In some instances users received an 'Oops error'. | GEN01 | TASS-343 |
Staff Kiosk > Student | Student Profile | Fix applied so that users can select parent email addresses from a student profile without receiving an Oops error. Errors were occurring where there were apostrophes in an address field. | GEN01 | TASS-282 |
Staff Kiosk > Teacher | Notifications | Correction to ensure that notifications created in Staff Kiosk with the 'Display as a Notification in Parent Lounge' option ticked display in Parent Lounge as expected. | KIN02 | TASS-382 |