TT - Print Year/Form Timetable
The Print Year/Form Timetable report allows you to print a single timetable for a nominated year group. The report can only be generated where the 'Unitised/Vertical' flag in Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup is 'N'.
The report will display a single year group timetable per page and will display multiple lessons within each timetable 'cell'. Timetable fields include: 'Teacher Code', 'Subject Abbreviation', 'Class' and 'Room Code'.
'Report Criteria' are entered into the fields displayed in the 'General' tab to filter the data produced in the report. A 'Year' and 'Term/Semester' must be entered for the timetable to be generated.
If your school is operating with multiple timetables, a 'Timetable' field will be displayed to allow the user to select a 'Timetable' to print from. The 'Year' and 'Term/Semester' fields will display the corresponding 'Year' and 'Term/Semester' from the chosen Timetable ID.
The 'campus' field can only be used as a filter if you have set up your timetable to allow the uploading and operation of separate campus timetables.
Refer to the 'How To' guide 'Additional steps required to load a campus-specific timetable'.
If you want to print year/form timetables for a single campus, select the appropriate campus from the dropdown list.
The 'Print' tab is also used to format the report. The 'Print Year/Form Timetable' will be output to Adobe® PDF.
Use the checkboxes on the right side of the screen to indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours' and 'Table Borders'. These can enhance the readability of the report but are not available if the listing destination is Excel®.
Additional checkbox options to 'Print Subject Alternate Description' and 'Include Period Descriptions from Day 1' are also available in this list.