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v56 Major Items

We've summarised some of the big-ticket items in Version 56 below but we've also packed the release with a number of other enhancements and corrections.

Major Items - Feature List

Major Item


Academic Reporting Overhaul: Setups 

Academic Reporting has been significantly transformed to consolidate and centralise assessment setups, including: 

  • Introduction of Assessment Setup to consolidate the Reporting Setups. 

  • Improved User Interface for Result Based Comments / Translations, Result Formats, Objectives, Assessment Methods, Result Periods, Objective Groups and Comments. Some general enhancements for the new UI include record counts, sorting options in grids, additional filtering and a modern look and feel. 

  • Bulk action functionality including uploads and editable grids for Objectives. 

  • Calculation Rules now available in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk.

  • & more. 

Parent Accounts Reminder Mail Merge makeover

Reminder Mail Merge has been redesigned and is now known as Overdue Reminders and now resides under 'Billing Cycle'. 

This makeover includes the ability to generate and send emails utilising email templates (for the 'Parent Accounts' category) with Word merge capability and introduces PDF and Excel exports. 

Parent Accounts Fee Upload

A new Parent Accounts Fee Upload has been created to support adding and editing Fee Codes. 

Address Validation Expansion

Address Validation functionality has been expanded to Donors, Past Students and Employees.  

Dynamic Lookups

Progressive enhancement to introduce dynamic search capability across several TASS.web modules. The lookup format will use a 'start typing to search' function.

These have been added to 15 programs within the the following areas/modules: 

  • School Shop

  • Parent Accounts  

  • Attendance 

  • Academic Reporting

  • Student Classes 

  • Timetable

Events: Multiple GL Codes, Tax Code Selection

Multiple GL Accounts can now be added to a number of screens within Events and Payments including: Costings, Details, Clone and Options. 

You can also generate a Payment Report using multiple GL Accounts.

The Tax Code selection has also been improved which includes:

  • Ability for the user to select the tax code being used (as per the 'GL Distribution Entry' on the Invoice screen in Accounts Payable).

  • Multiple line items (Unit Sell Price) for the Event code with different tax codes being used.

  • If the GL Account doesn't have a default tax code, the user is provided with the ability to define a tax code.

  • Receipts MUST use the tax code that was used in the Event (not the default tax code on the Account).

Email Pay Envelopes

Pay Envelopes introduces the ability to email a payslip to all employees who have the new 'Email' selected against the 'Pay Envelop Pref' field on the Employee.

Multiple employee records can be updated at the one time using the Employee Grid Entry program. The email will use a new system template email with the PDF payslip attached.

Previously, only employees without Staff Kiosk access would be able to receive an email.

Employee UD Areas Extension and New Employee Listing

UD Area Expansion 

  • New UD types have been added to all UD Areas:

          - Date fields.

          - Attachment fields.

  • Enhance the Data Upload Utility to include these new fields. 

  • Enhance the Employee API to handle the new UD areas including extract, add and update. (Coming in a later release)

  • Enhance the Employee Setup to cater for new Staff Kiosk permissions. 

Staff Kiosk Updates

Staff will be able to update UD Areas and have them submitted for review through TASS.web.

This area will be controlled by the school through permissions. Examples for staff UD Areas might include: vaccination information, license details. 

Listings (Coming in v56.2)

A new Employee Details Listing will be introduced which includes standard filtering and export options for the Employee/HR module, including the ability to Generate Emails. 

Option to exclude subjects with 'Date Range' when importing Student Subjects 

A new option to exclude subjects with a date range when using Import Student Subject Data.

Example: Schools running a Semester based Timetable will utilise the Date Range for Term or rotating subjects. When a new set of subjects need to be uploaded for the term, the subjects that are no longer occurring should remain on the Student record for reporting purposes. This enhancement allows you to upload your new subjects without affecting those subjects. 

Usage Statistics Expansion

Additional usage statistics are now available, including:

  • Database Size

  • SAML Providers

  • Payment Gateways

  • School Shop

  • Parent Lounge Payments Submitted

Work Schedule and Other Applications Update

Work Schedules are now available for non-Payroll schools allowing weekly scheduling to be maintained and used by staff.

In addition, staff are able to use Staff Kiosk to complete Leave Applications.

Summary Medical Report

The Student Medical (List/Emails) program in Staff Kiosk has been significantly enhanced to introduce the new UI, accommodate a 'Summary' mode and include additional information/features including: 

  • Event information 

  • Report scheduling 

(Coming in v56.3)

Customisable Email Template for Academic Reports

A new Academic Report Email Template has been created which can be used when generating Academic Reports to send via email. 

Create an Absentee Record from the Illness Log on discharge

A new checkbox to add an absentee record will be available when discharging students from the Illness Log, enabling users to quickly create a new Early Departure record. 

The new record will pre-populate the Departure Time and Absentee Reason. 

... and more!

We've summarised some of the big-ticket items in Version 56 above, but we've also packed the release with a number of other enhancements and corrections.

v56 Beta Program 

Please note, the BETA Program will be available to the Academic Reporting Advisory Group schools only. 

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