This program provides statistical analysis of your school's usage of the Staff Kiosk program Assessment.
Use the drop-down list to select one of the following statistical views.
This view displays:
The number of Learning Objects - Resources, Questions, Tests and Activities that have been created this year, last year and since the school started using the Assessment program.
The number of Blogs and Discussion Forum Threads that have been created this year, last year and since the school started using the Assessment program.
The number of Resources and Activities that have been assigned this year, last year and since the school started using the Assessment program.
This view displays the number of Resources (by Resource type) that have been created this year, last year and since the school started using the Assessment program.
Subject Areas
This view displays:
The total number of Learning Objects that have been created in the Assessment program for each Subject Area.
The total number of Resources and Activities that have been assigned for each Subject Area.
The default is to display all year groups. Use the secondary filter to display these statistics for a single year group.
Year Groups
This view displays:
The total number of Learning Objects that have been created in the Assessment program for each Year Group.
The total number of Resources and Activities that have been assigned for each Year Group.
The default is to display all subject areas. Use the secondary filter to display the statistics for a single subject area.
This view displays:
The number of Learning Objects - Resources, Questions, Tests and Activities that have been created by each teacher since the school started using the Assessment program.
The number of Blogs and Discussion Forum Threads that have been created by each teacher since the school started using the Assessment program.
The number of Resources and Activities that have been assigned by each teacher since the school started using the Assessment program.
Use the 'Export to Excel' button to export your statistics to produce graphs etc.