SO v1.8.200
Major Items
Module | Details |
Emergencies | Introducing the ability to facilitate emergencies. For emergency events such as evacuations, fires or fire drills, custom rolls will automatically generate for staff to mark attendance and push notifications will be sent to all staff. An Emergency Dashboard is also available which display srolls marked vs not marked, any unaccounted students, and staff on leave. |
Menu Path | Module | Details | Key |
Payroll/HR | My Details | Introduced a 'My Details' page on the Payroll/HR tab, where the staff member can view their own payroll details. | OB-789 |
Payroll/HR | Leave Applications | Introduced a new page for selecting lessons that require substituting when creating a leave application. | OB-844 |
Payroll/HR | Leave Applications | Substitution records now get created when submitting a Leave Application. | OB-843 |
Payroll/HR | Leave Applications | Introduced the ability for substitution records to be created at the time of creating leave applications. If a date in the leave application has less hours than the working day a 'Sub Lessons' button appears allowing the staff member to select which lessons require substituting. | OB-841 |
Staff | Extra Curricular Hub | The venue and opposition name is now displayed on Fixture tiles rather than the venue and opposition code. | OB-856 |
Staff | Extra Curricular Hub | The venue and opposition name is now displayed on the Fixture details page rather than the venue and opposition code. | OB-855 |
Staff | Emergencies | Introduced an Active Emergency state for the homepage. When there is an active emergency the school logo on the homepage is replaced with a glowing button stating "Tap for Emergency in Progress". | OB-849 |
Staff | Emergencies | Introduced Initiate Emergency Page Three (Custom Roll Type), where the initiating staff member can select the custom roll generation method for the Emergency. | OB-848 |
Staff | Emergency | Introduced Initiate Emergency Page Two (Starting Notification), where the initiating staff member can edit the text for the starting message of the emergency | OB-847 |
Staff | Emergency | Introduced Initiate Emergency Page One (Emergency), where the initiating staff member can select an emergency type that has been setup in Staff Kiosk. | OB-846 |
Staff | Emergencies | Introduced an Active Emergency page for staff members with non elevated permissions. | OB-836 |
Staff | Emergencies | Introduced an Emergencies landing page for when there is not an active emergency. This page will display a list of all historic emergencies and a button to initiate an emergency (For staff members with elevated permissions). | OB-835 |
Staff | Emergencies | Introduced an Initiate Emergency button on the non-active emergencies landing page for staff members with elevated permissions. | OB-834 |
Staff | Emergencies | Introduced a new Emergencies tile on the Staff tab. | OB-813 |
Staff | Extra Curricular Hub | Improved the Date/Time field in Extra Curricular fixtures and sessions. | OB-783 |
Staff | Extra Curricular Hub | The Include Empty filter in the Extra Curricular Hub now hides Activity types if they contain no fixtures or sessions. | OB-760 |
Student | Custom Rolls | Introduced a tooltip popup for Custom Rolls that explain what each of the buttons do when marking students. | OB-865 |
Students | Custom Rolls | Introduced a list of campuses on the Active Emergency landing page where staff members can view and mark students based on campus. | OB-864 |
Students | Custom Rolls | Introduced a 'My Unaccounted Students' section at the bottom of the Active Emergency page, where a list of custom rolls and student tiles will be displayed that are assigned to the staff member. | OB-860 |
Students | Custom Rolls | Introduced a new button on custom rolls 'Un' - unexplained absence. | OB-857 |
Students | Custom Rolls | Enhanced custom rolls so that the attendance absence type displays on the student tile in the custom roll. | OB-852 |
Students | Custom Rolls | Updated custom rolls so that they can adhere to the 'Conditional' custom roll parameter. When a student has an Absent From School record they will appear as Explained absent on the Custom Roll. | OB-795 |
Menu Path | Module | Details | Key |
Staff | Emergencies | Resolved an issue where adding a student to a custom roll would sometimes cause the app to crash. | OB-851 |
New Setups
Module | Scopes |
Emergency |
These scopes are NOT enabled by default and will need to be enabled for your school to utilise the features.
TASS.web > System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance > OAuth2 API Applications: ORBITSTAFF > Edit
Staff Kiosk Setups
Staff Kiosk > Rollcall > Emergency Types (Setup)
This setup section in Staff Kiosk is where the Emergency types get setup for use in Staff Orbit.