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Setup and Run NSW NESA Export Files

Important! The data format that is produced by the export function in this program has been developed without access to any formal guidelines from the NSW Education Standards Authority.

Repeated attempts were made to acquire a comprehensive specification whilst developing this program late 2011.  In particular we sought more details regarding the data required and in particular explanation of certain fields.

This program has therefore been produced based on information provided by a few NSW schools.

 It is important that you independently verify that the data contained in the files produced by this program meets the NSW Board requirements (eg: send a test file to them for verification).

Step 1

Use TASS.web program Student Records > Setup Information > Countries/Languages/ResStatus to enter 'Residency Status' data.

Examples (unconfirmed please independently verify with NSW NESA):

AC (Australian Citizen)

PRA (Permanent Resident of Australia)

NACPR (Not Australian or Permanent resident)

Important!   The actual code that is used in the export file is taken from the 'Exp Code' field not the 'Code' field.  This has been done to allow for a bit of 'future proofing' in case the required codes change.

Step 2

Use TASS.web program Student Records > Student Information > Student Grid Entry to enter 'Residency Status' against students who you will include in your export file.

Step 3

Use TASS.web program Student Records > Setup Information > Subject Grid to enter an 'Export Code' against subjects that will be included in the 'Export Subjects Data' file.

This is a 15 character alpha/numeric code.

Step 4

Use TASS.web program Student Records > Student Information > Student  on the (MCEECDYA tab) or Student Records > Government Returns > MCEECDYA Grid (Aus) to enter 'Indigenous Status' for students who you will include in your export file.

The results of data entered through Step 2 and 4 are combined in the export field 'Identity Code'.

Step 5

Use TASS.web program Student Records > Government Returns > NESA Grid (NSW) to:

  • Enter 'NESA ID' numbers, NESA 'Country of Birth' code and NESA 'Language Spoken at Home' code for students

  • Export Enrolment Data

  • Export Subjects Data

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