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Qualifications – Staff (Report)

This program can be used by heads of departments or otherwise authorised staff to view qualification details for teachers and other staff. 

The data used by this report comes from the TASS.web 'Employee/HR' module.

You can use the 'Employee Filters' to target the group of employees to include in your report.

You can use the 'Qualification Filters' to target the type of qualifications to include in your report, e.g. Bachelor Degrees from a particular institution.

Use the 'Reminder Flag' and 'Date From'/'Date To' to check for qualifications that may have an expiry date, such as suitability cards and first aid certificates.

You can sort your report by:

  • Employee then Category, e.g. Professional development, tertiary qualification.
  • Qualification then Category.
  • Category then Employee.
  • Date then Category.

Alternatively, tick the 'Qualification Listing Layout' option to get a simple listing style report that includes all data fields on the Qualification record.

Select 'Export to Excel' and use the sorting and filtering options in Excel® to view different sets of data.

Click 'GO' to generate your report.

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