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PR - Positions Tab (SU)


The ‘Positions’ tab in Payroll Setup manages employee position codes and associated details.

A 'position' must be set up for each employee or group of employees. 

For teachers, the positions defined by the bands and steps as set out in some Teachers Awards would typically be set up here, e.g. T11 = Teacher Band 1 Step 1, etc. 

The same applies to the school officers' award and other 'groupings' of employees.

For employees on individual contracts, a unique position code would be set up for each employee.

Adding a New Position

To add a new Position, click the 'New Position' button to display a blank 'Position Details' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

Viewing and Editing Position Codes

To 'View' or 'Edit' a Position, click on the associated link next to the relevant position.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Position Code Details

The appearance of the fields on this screen below 'Description' may not be the same as in this documentation. This is because these are school configurable (though the 'Rates Code' tab in this program).

Fields that require further explanation

Position Code

The 8-character unique code to be used for this position.


Untick this box if the 'Position' is not to be used anymore.


A 'Position' can only be set to 'Inactive' when it is not:

  • Defined on the 'Payroll Details' tab of an employee.

  • Allocated to a permanent pay for an employee.


A 30 character description for this position.


Enter the value for ordinary pay for this position.


Enter the value for ordinary pay for this position.

Unused (2)

If your school has additional 'Rate Codes', enter the amount for these pay types here.


A position cannot be edited if it is being used in the current pay run.

Uploading Positions

An alternative to updating positions manually (as described directly above) is to prepare a file using a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet, save it as .csv file and use the 'Upload' button to load the positions and rates data into the payroll.

The upload caters for updating existing positions as well as loading new positions.
The upload process includes on-screen checking prior to proceeding and it generates a comprehensive audit trail style report that displays 'old' rates and 'new' rates.
The spreadsheet must be saved in comma-delimited (.csv) format and contain the following columns:


Field Name

Field Type/Size

Field Description


Position Code

text (max 8 characters)

Alpha-numeric characters only (A-Z, 0-9).


Position Description

text (max 30 characters)


Rate Amount 1

decimal (12,6)

Must be greater than zero if there is an applicable rate of pay for this rate code.  If not it must be zero.


Rate Amount 2

decimal (12,6)

Must be greater than zero if there is an applicable rate of pay for this rate code.  If not it must be zero.


Rate Amount 3

decimal (12,6)

Must be greater than zero if there is an applicable rate of pay for this rate code.  If not it must be zero.


Rate Amount 4

decimal (12,6)

Must be greater than zero if there is an applicable rate of pay for this rate code.  If not it must be zero.


Active Flag


Must be a value of 'Y' or 'N'.

After you click the 'Upload' button, the 'Position Upload' screen will be displayed. Use the 'Browse' button to locate the .csv file that you intend to upload.

Click the 'GO' button.

The system will validate the file to ensure that it meets the format described above. 
If validation is successful, it will display the uploaded data in two columns; new position codes and existing codes that will be uploaded.
Check that your updates are correct and click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.
If validation is unsuccessful, the program will produce an exception report. You will need to address the issues in the .csv file and re-import the data.

 If you have a lot of rates to update a suggested methodology is to:

  • Use the 'Print' button to produce an Excel® file with your existing position rates.

  • Make the required changes in Excel® and save the worksheet as a .csv file. You will need to delete the first two rows (that have the headings) before saving.

  • Use the 'Upload' button to load the changed rates into the payroll.

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