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PR - Banks Tab (SU)

The system comes pre-loaded with a range of Australian Banks, Building Societies and Credit Unions. 

You would use this tab to add a new institution or modify the details on one of the existing ones.

You can also produce a printout by using the 'Print' icon at the top of the screen.

Adding a new bank

To add a new Bank, click the 'New Bank' button to display a blank 'Bank Details' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

Viewing and Editing a Bank

To 'View' or 'Edit' a Bank, click on the associated link next to the relevant bank.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Bank Details

Fields that require further explanation

Bank Number

The 2-character unique code to be used for this bank.


Choose from 'Bank', 'Building Society' or 'Credit Union'.

Abbreviation Code

This is a 3 character code.

e.g. ANZ, NAB, CBA, WBC.


A 20 character description for this bank.

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