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PO v1.08.200

Release Date

August 30, 2023

Minimum supported TASS Version: v58.8.200.

Major Items



Attendance Push Notifications

Notifications generated from 'Generate/Send SMS Messages' program now include Push Notifications to Parent Orbit. The following changes have been made: 

Generate/Send SMS Messages program in TASS.web

  • Incorporate Push Notifications.

  • New preview screen to see what’s being sent via SMS and as Push.

  • History report updated to include records acknowledged through Parent Orbit.

  • Now called ‘Generate/Send Notifications

Attendance Setup

Set your notify preferences when communicating to parents about absences in Attendance Setup:

  • SMS + Notification,

  • SMS only or

  • Notification only. 

Parent Orbit App

  • Push Notifications message (same message as SMS message).

  • Targeted notifications to parents ticked to receive ‘Attendance’ Communication Rules.

  • History available within the Notifications centre including student name tag. 

  • Drill down capability where an absence requires acknowledgement.

Icon Customisation

Customise the colour of the core icon tiles used throughout the Parent Orbit app with the following options: 

In TASS.web program API Gateway Maintenance (Metadata): 

  • New Icon Colour: This colour will be used as the darker tone on the icon colour when ‘Two tone colour’ mode is on. A gradient will be applied to this colour and used as the second tone.

  • New Icon Colour Customisation setting: choose the Default colours or 'Two tone colour: icon colour used with gradient'. 

  • New Highlight Colour: choose the colour of the notification count badge used on the homepage to indicate any actions that need to be taken. 

What's New 




Homepage - Daily Events & Notices

If an odd number of options are enabled for the Daily Digest, it will place the last item centered.


Notifications - Staff Kiosk Notifications

Added auto redirect functionality for push notifications to send the user to the relevant section of the app depending on the notification type.

If there are additional details, tapping on notification will take to you the details screen.
If it is a pastoral care notification, it will direct the user to the Pastoral Care tile if enabled.
If it is an absence record that requires acknowledgement, redirect to the acknowledgement screen.



In all screens that you can view attachments, it will now detect the file type and display a different icon based on extension.


Homepage - Action - Absences

Added functionality to acknowledging an absence record to also acknowledge the notification related to it, if once exists.



When a notification for an absence is generated, if it is for a type that requires acknowledgment it will direct to the correct screen, and if it is for a type that does not require acknowledgement it will instead allow you to acknowledge the notification like other notifications.


Students - Medical Details

Removed Duplicate delete button in edit attachment screen for medical conditions.


Calendar - eDiary

Added Student colour to student name when in multi-student mode in eDiary



Introduced ability to view absence notifications in the notification center, which when tapped on can direct to acknowledging absence records, or view absence history.


Customisation - Colour Scheme

Introduced ability to customise the colour of the notifications on the homepage based on the highlight colour defined in metadata.


Customisation - Colour Scheme

Introduced ability to define Icon colour and use the new Two Tone icon style in Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance > Oauth2 API Applications > Metadata



Introduced ability for iOS users to be able to view a count of pending push notifications from the system.






Homepage - Action - Verify Medical

Resolved issue that when a parent logs in with no students associated it would cause the app to crash.


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.