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PO v1.10.200

Release Date

October 18, 2023

Minimum supported TASS Version: v58.10.200.

Major Items



Parent Lounge Single Sign-On

This enhancement removes additional login steps for deep links when SAML is not enabled i.e. TASS authentication or LDAP. 

When parents have already logged into the Parent Orbit app and open a Deep Link (School Fees, Events & Payments or Extra Curricular Sign-up), they are no longer required to log in again via Parent Lounge. 

Parent Orbit Ghost Login

TASS.web users with permission to Parent Lounge Ghost Logon can now better support parents with a new Parent Orbit Ghost Login on the Parent Record. 

A QR code can now be generated from a Parent Record in TASS.web and then scanned via the new 'Administrator Login' on the Parent Orbit app login page. The QR code will remain active for 30 seconds and will allow staff to ghost login as the selected parent. This enhancement also supports Split Family Access (SFA). 

This enhancement is available within TASS Version 58.10.200.


A ColdFusion restart is required after your TASS update to add a new library for the Parent Orbit Ghost login enhancement.

TASS Cloud Customers: if you update your TASS instance before October 18th, this will automatically occur during your maintenance window. If you don't update TASS within this timeframe, please book a time below.

Self-hosted Customers: Following the update to your TASS instance, you can either restart your TASS server yourself or book a time with the TASS Technical Services team.

To book a time with TASS Technical Services, please click on the booking link here and select 'ColdFusion Restart'. You will need to schedule roughly 15 minutes of downtime. 

Image Slider Hyperlinks

Images included in the image slider on the home screen of the Parent Orbit app can now include a hyperlink and open a URL in a new window or within the app.

Hyperlinks can be added in the Product UI Maintenance program on the 'Images' tab in TASS.web. For records with the TASS/Portal Product Type as 'Parent Orbit', a Hyperlink and Hyperlink Target is available. 

Attendance Biometric Preference

User preference in-app to allow the parent to add another layer of security by having a biometric/passcode security check before acknowledging or entering an absence.

This new option will appear as a one-time pop up when the user enters the app for the first time after the update and will be available within a new 'Settings' screen within the left menu. 

What's New 




Side menu - Settings

Added a layer of authentication to toggle the biometric/passcode setting to request Face ID/Touch ID/passcode when turning on or off the setting.


Students - Attendance

Introduced a layer of security when adding an absence to request Face ID/Touch ID/passcode when the user has enabled this option in 'Settings'.


Students - Extra Curricular

Added a new button on the Activity Type Hub e.g. Sports in the top-right corner, to filter by Semesters or all Semesters.


Accounts - Events & Payments

Fix to ensure that the Events & Payments tile within the Accounts menu only displays when the scope within API Gateway Maintenance is ticked.



Implemented a one time popup message informing users of the biometric/passcode feature and provide options to accept or 'Go to Settings' for the user to review.


Side menu

Added a user preference in-app to to add another layer of security by having a biometric/passcode security check before acknowledging or entering an absence.

A new Settings page is available within the side menu from the homepage. Inside the Setting page, a toggle option for a Face ID, Touch ID or Passcode is available.

If Face ID is not supported, the Operating System will display the passcode or touch ID option.


Students - Extra Curricular

Enhancement to return session, match and results for the Activity Type Hub and Activity page based on the new filter applied i.e. Year and Semester.



Added a button on the login screen to allow login via a school's QR code. This is only available for the Ghost Login functionality.


Students - Extra Curricular

Renamed 'Extra Curricular' to 'Extra Curricular Hub'.


Students - Extra Curricular

Added a 'Year' filter to the Activity Type Hub filter. This will allow the user to select Activities from previous years.


Students - Extra Curricular

Added the ability to filter by semester inside the 'Match History' page.


Students - Extra Curricular

Added the ability to filter by year inside the 'Match History' page.



Introduced the feature to embed hyperlinks within the 'image slider' images. Users can now open URLs (set within TASS.web Product UI Maintenance) by tapping on the images within the 'image slider'.



Introduced the capability to save images locally, which results in reduced loading times and decreased data usage. The app now detects when images have been updated.


Students - Extra Curricular

Added a filter button located at the top right of Sports hub - adding the ability to filter sports matches by year.



Added an 'Administrator Login' button to the login page. This button opens to a QR scanner allowing for ghost login. The Ghost Login QR code is generated through the Parent Record in TASS.web.


Side menu - Settings

Introduced a layer of security when acknowledging an absence to provide Face ID/Touch ID/passcode when the user has enabled this option in 'Settings'.



Removed the additional login step for deep links when SAML is not enabled. The user will no longer need to authenticate again using their Parent Lounge login details when the authenticated method used is LDAP or TASS authentication.







Fixed an issue where the home page loader would stop displaying before the home page had finished loading.


Students - Extra Curricular

Fixed text scalability of the match result within the Recent Results of Activity Type Hub. Previously results with multiple digits would float off the fixture.



Fixed an issue where a semi-colon was being incorrectly added to the end of a recipients email address, preventing Android users from sending emails.


Homepage - Action - Absences

Fixed an issue where users were unable to submit absences on the last day of an attendance period.



Fixed an issue where the 'quick links' bar had a chance of not loading when the homepage was refreshed. This only occurred for iOS users.


Homepage - Invitations - Parent Teacher Interviews

Fix to ensure that valid existing data within the Phone Number field is accepted. Previously where a semi-colon was separating the phone number, the app displayed an invalid message and didn't allow the user to book the appointment.


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