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PO v0.4

SIG Bleeding Edge Release Date

  Mar 10, 2023

Please note that this update is only available for TASS Orbit Special Interest Group members. 


SIG Members: please ensure you upgrade your TEST environment through TASS Software Update before updating the app. 

Major Items



Absences & Attendance


The homepage includes an 'Absences' tile with a count of the amount of absences to acknowledge. Within the tile, the parent can:

  1. Acknowledge: absences that require Acknowledgement for all students. The parent will be able to set a ‘Reason’, add a comment and acknowledge. On submit, the record is updated in TASS.

  2. Pending Absences: view and delete absences that the parent has submitted through Parent Orbit or Parent Lounge (and not yet accepted through TASS). 

  3. Add Absence: the parent can submit an absence for one or multiple students at the same time. 

Student page

From the student page, the 'Attendance' tile will include similar but a slightly different view. This page looks at the individual students and includes a drop down list to toggle between students. 

  1. Pending Absences: as per the functionality in 'Absences'. 

  2. Attendance History: this screen includes history categorised by term/semester and includes a summary view of the records (Type, Reason, Date, Times, Parent Notified and Parent Acknowledgement flag) plus the ability to drill down for more details. 

    • Within the history, absences that require acknowledgement are highlighted and include an additional '+' action. 

    • By default, the current semester will load.  A Filter option is included which allows the parent to include absences within a date range i.e., this Year, this Week. 

  3. Add Absence: as per the functionality in 'Absences'. 

What's New?





Enhancement to display friendly and informative messages in the following scenarios instead of ‘Try Again’ or ‘Manage Accounts’. Scenarios: 

  • No students 

  • Session time out

  • Server error

  • Unexpected data type 


Homepage > Action - Absences

New 'absence notifications pending' panel which includes absences that have been submitted by the parent through Parent Orbit or Parent Lounge. Parents have the ability to delete pending absences.

This panel is available through the Absences and Attendance pages. 


Homepage > Action - Absences

Add a count to the Absences tile on the homepage to indicate the total absences that require acknowledgement for the associated students. 


Homepage > Action - Absences

New 'absences require your acknowledgement' panel. These include absence records that have: 

  • The default Absentee Reason e.g., 'No Reason' or 'Unexplained'

  • Where the Absentee Type has been flagged in Attendance Setup to require acknowledgement

  • Parent Acknowledgement = No


Homepage > Invitations - Events & Payments

Within the Events & Payments deep links, the Parent Lounge menu header has been removed. 


Homepage > Invitations - Events & Payments

Include a count on the tile of the amount of Events & Payments the parent (and associated students) are invited to. 


Homepage > Daily Events & Notices

New drill down functionality for event details from Daily Notices & Events on the homepage.


Students > General Details

New header options for each UD Area in the General Details page. This reflects the Parent Lounge Access controls in Student Records Setup against each area/UD field. 


Students > Attendance

Include the ability to upload and submit absence attachments when adding (which are submitting to TASS.web). 


Students > Attendance

New 'Add Absence' option in Attendance and Absences screens which includes the ability to add an absence for multiple students, add comments and attachments. Types and Reasons available for the parent to select are dependent on Attendance Setups. 


Students > Attendance

New Attendance page for Students which includes submitted absences and attendance history. Within the history, absences requiring acknowledgement are highlighted and have an action option. 


Calendar > School Calendar

Enhancement to School Calendar to load month by month instead of loading all data from a year at a time to improve performance. 


Calendar > School Calendar

Enhancement to include the Start and End date in the Date and Time field for events that span over multiple days. 


Calendar > eDiary

Enhancement to load all eDiary feeds as filters rather than displaying the filters dynamically (if there's data). This also introduces 'sticky' filters when navigating from month to month. 


Accounts > School Fees Account

Within the School Fees Accounts deep link, the Parent Lounge menu header has been removed. 



Added crash analytics to identify causes of app crashes and errors. 






Students > General Details

Fix to ensure different data types for government identifiers are handled properly and do not crash the app once logged in. 


Students > General Details

Fix to ensure the UD labels are loading the correct labels from the connected company. 


Students > Medical Details

Fix to ensure Medical Conditions appear even if they have an empty Last Occurence date. 


Calendar > eDiary

Fix to include missing feeds from the eDiary: Appointments and Extra Curricular. 



Fix to UI to ensure the logos on the login screen are aligned when more than one account is added. Handle different logo dimensions appropriately. 



Fix to handle the handshake between the app and SAML provider which caused a blank screen when authenticating. 


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.