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Mail Server Troubleshooting

Below are some items to review if you are experiencing issues with sending emails from TASS.

TASS Cloud

Contact the TASS Technical Support team for assistance. 

Self-Hosted (e.g. on-premises)

  • Ensure your mail server has been configured as per the guidance in the Mail Server Requirements article.

  • Go to TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Server Logs and review mail.log and mailsent.log to find error messages. Note that error messages starting with a three-digit code (e.g. 452 4.3.1 Insufficient system resources) are errors returned by your SMTP server.

  • Use the Mail Spool Maintenance program to send test messages to both internal and external recipients.

  • If mail is only sending to internal and not external recipients, check the configuration on your mail server connector to ensure that your TASS.web server is appropriately whitelisted and permitted to relay external emails.

  • If your school sends a high volume of emails, and are getting errors due to connection failures, these may be caused by rate limiting. Contact the TASS Technical Support team to discuss adjusting the rate at which TASS sends emails. 

  • Check that your attachment size setting (TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings) is within the scope of what your mail server can accept. 

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