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How to Setup and Manage Bus Lists in Extra Curricular

This functionality will assist your school to quickly allocate students on to buses for off-campus activities. You can then distribute bus lists to activity co-ordinators through Staff Kiosk.


Menu Path



TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup.

In the 'Activities' tab (against each activity for which you will require a bus list), create a table referenced UD field called 'Bus'. Enter the name of each of the school's buses as associated table referenced data.

For example, the school may have 3 buses; therefore, the table options could be Bus 1, Bus 2 and Bus 3.



TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Information > Activity Groups.

Allocate the students to the appropriate 'Year', 'Semester*', Activity' combination, e.g. 2012, Semester* 1 - Hockey.



TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Information > Student Activities Grid.

Assign students to their appropriate bus(es).

Select the 'Year', 'Semester*', Activity' combination on the 'Activity Details' tab and then select 'Bus' from the 'Process' tab.

Use the grid to assign the students to the correct bus.



Staff Kiosk Listings > Extra Curricular List - Student.

Teachers can then produce bus lists.

They need to select the required 'Year', 'Semester*', and 'Activity' combination as search criteria and then select the 'Bus' UD field from the 'Additional Fields' column.

To Produce a List for a Single Bus

To produce a list of students on a specific bus, select an option from the 'Bus' field under the 'Activity Specific UD Fields' heading.

To Produce a List for All Buses

To produce a list of all buses, do not select an option from the 'Bus' field outlined above.


* The description of the extra curricular period that is displayed in this field is school definable (therefore it may not necessarily be 'Semester'). For example, your school may be term-based (as opposed to semester based) and accordingly this screen may be displaying a description of 'Term'.

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