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How to Configure Your PC So That ABA Files Open Correctly

(When used in conjunction with program Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Create Bank File)

These instructions should be followed when the ABA file opens within your browser window instead of displaying “Open / Save” dialog message

To fix (Windows XP):

In windows explorer, highlight the c: drive letter.

From the menu select 'Tools > Folder Options' and go to 'File Types' tab

Make sure there is an ABA type in the list of 'Registered file types'.

If there is not, you will need to create a new file type extension for ABA with edit and open actions assigned to Notepad.exe.

Alternatively Method to fix:

Create a dummy ABA file as follows:

Open Notepad, enter some text, select 'File' > 'Save As'

In the 'File Name' field, enter “dummy.aba”

In the 'Save as Type' field, select “All Files”

Click 'Save' and close the file.

Now, we open this dummy file as follows (and windows will thereafter associate the ABA file type with Notepad):

Double Click the “dummy.aba” file to open it

When asked, choose 'Select the program from List' option

From 'Programs' list, select “Notepad”

Tick the option 'Always use the selected program to open this kind of file'

Click 'OK'

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