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GL - Post Journals


General Ledger ‘Post Journals’ is the program used to post your journals through to the general ledger at the end of the month/period or as appropriate or to view journal entries ready for posting to General Ledger.

In 'View' mode you may also make changes to the journal, using the same functionality that is available in Finance > General Ledger > Account & Journal Information > Journals.

Upon entry, to this program, the 'Post Journals' screen will be populated with detail of journals ready for posting to General Ledger.


If out of balance journals exist for a year and period, the 'Action' column will display the text 'Error – out of balance Journals exist'. Select the 'Journals' link to examine the incomplete journals (on the 'Journals Search' screen choose 'Incomplete Journals Only' and click on 'Go') and make the necessary amendments to enable posting to the general ledger. Posting to the general ledger will not occur for unbalanced journals.

To post journals for the nominated year and period, select the 'Post' link. Upon successful posting, you will receive a confirmation message stating 'The Journal Post has completed successfully'.

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