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v55 What's New & Corrections

This page contains the release notes for software updates completed in Version 55 in 2021 and 2022.


Release DateMar 24th, 2022

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > StudentACARA Data Extract (Aus)Enhancement to translate 'Year Group: -1' to '33' when generating the report. According to ACARA documentation, Year Group -1 is only relevant to states that receive funding (e.g. WA).N/A193873






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webPayment CalculatorCorrection to ensure that when processing a payment run with 'Student Deposit Refund EPs / Cheques' option selected, payments are set to type 'CH' when there are no EP payment details.STP14193765


Release DateMar 15th, 2022

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > APIPDF Conversion APIEnhancement to use the following response 'updateDocumentConversion' when an error is logged using the PDF Conversion API.N/A193787
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolmentsEnhancement to the user interface on the Enrolment Selection page to change the cancelled section to display as 'Status'. This enhancement also includes the addition of a 'Transferred' Radio option to display transferred students only from the picker.INS01193565
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolmentsEnhancement to remove the 'Edit' button from the Enrolled Parent and Student Summary Information record when choosing a 'Transferred' student from the picker on the Enrolment Selection page.N/A193832
TASS.web > Enrolments.webListings and ReportsEnhancement to add a 'Transferred' picklist to the 'Status' tab for Enrolment Details Listings.INS01193585
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployeesEnhancement to include the 'Reason for Termination' as an option in the 'Employee Additional Fields' section for the Payroll Employee Listing Report.TAM01193802
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to add a checkbox to enable STP Phase 2 on the 'PAYG Setups' tab.N/A193662
TASS.web > Payroll.webReinstate Terminated EmployeeEnhancement to ensure the 'Reason for Termination' field is cleared when an employee is reinstated.MTS01193793
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)EmployeesEnhancement to ensure the 'Check Employee Data' program checks that employees who have a 'Reason for Termination' also have a 'Termination Date'. This is for STP Phase 2.N/A193803
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)TASS.web Alternative login

Enhancement to remove the text 'school administration software powered by' and the associated hyperlink on all TASS alternative login screens and replace with 'copyright the alpha school system PTY LTD'.







IMS Ref.

TASS.web > APIData Upload APICorrection to ensure the setStudentDataUploadUtility endpoint allows 2 characters for the 'Form Class' field and special characters for the 'PC Tutor Group' field.VIL01193773
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Notes (Lists/Emails)Correction to ensure a scheduled report created from the 'My Saved Lists' using 'Student Notes (Lists/Emails)' program attaches to a recipients email.ABB01193526
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingCorrection to ensure that when STP Phase 2 is enabled, the 'Date of Birth' of an employee is included in the XML file transmitted to the ATO.N/A193801
TASS.web > Payroll.webTimesheetsCorrection to ensure that after using the 'Import Leave Timesheets' program, clicking 'View' on an Employee record located on the Employee Leave Timesheets List, does not result in an Internal Server Error.AUS08193804


Release DateFeb 21st, 2022

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > APIPDF Conversion APIEnhancement to update to the latest release of the PDF Conversion API.N/A193696
Parent Lounge > Calendare-DiaryEnhancement to the Timetable Feed to make the display of Substitute Teacher details in the Event popup and Event Details modal conditional on the new 'Display Teacher Substitution Details' permission.N/A193536
Student Cafe > eDiaryCalendarsEnhancement to the Timetable feed to accommodate the new 'Display Teacher Substitution Details' permission.N/A193544
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployee/HR SetupEnhancement to allow non-payroll organisations to maintain Work Schedule Week setups by adding the Schedule tab.N/A193499
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployeesEnhancement to allow non-payroll companies to access Work Schedules and use Other Applications in Staff Kiosk.N/A193507
Student Cafe > My ClassesToday's TimetableEnhancement to make the display of Substitute Teacher details conditional on the new 'Display Teacher Substitution Details' permission.N/A193543
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployee Grid EntryEnhancement to the Pay Envelope Pref field to include a new Emailed option and re-name Electronic to Staff Kiosk.N/A193166
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployeesEnhancement to the Pay Envelope Pref field to include a new Emailed option.N/A193165
TASS.web > Payroll.webPay EnvelopesEnhancement to the Print tab by removing the Printed Pay Envelopes section and removing the word Print from each Pay Envelope Options description.N/A193208
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HREnhancement to allow non-payroll companies to use Other Applications and enabling the setup of Work Schedules for staff.N/A193478
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsTimetableEnhancement to make the display of Substitute Teacher details conditional on the new 'Display Teacher Substitution Details' permission.N/A193535
TASS.web > Timetable.webImport Student Subject DataEnhancement to introduce a new option to exclude subjects with a date range when using the 'Remove all existing EXCLUDING non-timetabled' option.N/A193533
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancement to apply keywords when a System Template Email for the Pay Envelopes Category is edited.N/A193207
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave/Other ApplicationsFor non-payroll companies, where the user has the 'View All Staff' permission, a single select pick-list will be available with a list of all current employees. Where the user does not have this permission point, current employees who are the direct and indirect reports of the logged-on user will be available.N/A193720






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > APIIdM APICorrection to ensure the School Email field is updated for employees (that are also a teacher) when using the setEmployee endpoint.N/A193266
Staff Kiosk > LMSLMS AssessmentCorrection when loading the LMS Assessment screen for faster processing.LOU01187318
TASS.web > Student.webStudents Grid EntryCorrection to ensure student surnames of 'True' or 'False' are not changed to 'Yes' when saving student details.KIN01193665
TASS.web > Utilities.webBulk Address ValidationCorrection to allow Latitude & Longitude information to be collected when validating addresses. The Australia Post delivery point identifier (DPID) is not available for Bulk Validation.SAM01193240
TASS.web > Utilities.webMail Spool MaintenanceCorrection to ensure that correct dates and times are displayed for undelivered emails.MTS01192027


Release DateJan 20th, 2022

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Payroll.webPay Run ResetEnhancement to exclude Lump Sum D payments when calculating the STP Payments (W1) amount.N/A193548
TASS.web > Payroll.webReinstate Terminated EmployeeEnhancement to include new employee fields for the Reinstate an Archived Employee process.N/A193191
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingEnhancement to the Generate Employee Data process, for both Pay Events and Update events, to truncate the decimal places in the Tax Offset Amount value.N/A193193
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingEnhancement to optimise the Generate Employee Data process for both Pay and Update events to exclude RESC Superannuation amounts when calculating Superannuation Liability.N/A193556
TASS.web > Payroll.webYear End ResetEnhancement to include new employee fields for the Year End Reset process.N/A193192
TASS.web > Student.webSES Export (Aus)Enhancement to the Location AGEID field to allow and include all numbers from 40000 to 99999.MIN01193616
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning SupportEnhancement to include bulk processing of support plans that need to be retired and set to Inactive in preparation for the following year.N/A192590






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > APIEdumate Integration APICorrection to remove the processing timeout limit for the setStudents endpoint.OXL01193633
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupCorrection to ensure the 'Income Year' field on the Paycode tab is visible in View and Edit modes for Lump Sum Type E paycodes.N/A193557
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRTimesheetsCorrection to ensure that when a timesheet entry is edited (via Change in Role, Position or Paycode) that the rate code is recalculated appropriately and saves correctly.GLE01193618
TASS.web > Student.webDetails ListingCorrection to the Details Listing and Labels / Letter Merges to ensure Oops errors are not encountered when using the Saved Configuration option.STJ01193576
TASS.web > Student.webTransfer Students to PastCorrection to ensure the Title field for past students looks at the 'Student Name Transfer Format' rather than the 'Salutation Transfer Format'.N/A193663


Release DateDec 13th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Utilities.webInspired Integration APIEnhancement to getStudentInfo endpoint to introduce 'Date of Application' field.INS01193553
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to ensure data can be saved in the PAYG Setups tab.SPE01193430
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingEnhancement to delete sensitive data after processing an Update Event.N/A193558
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)VariousSecurity Enhancement: pre-cautionary steps to further secure TASS due to the "Log4j" Java library vulnerability.N/A193615
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning SupportEnhancement to include bulk processing of support plans that need to be retired and set to Inactive in preparation for the following year.N/A192590






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure all activities and activity results are displayed correctly when generating academic reports.MOR02193577
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webAccount AgingCorrection to the Account Aging program to ensure that Oops errors are not encountered.CHR01193471
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolmentsCorrection to optimise the Enrolled Student Verify query for faster processing.CEO01193386
TASS.web > General Ledger.webGST on Tax Journals ReportCorrection to the GST on Tax Journals Report - Expenditure or Revenue to return transactions based on either the selected Year/Period range or on the selected Date range.LIV01193482
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent StatementsCorrection to ensure the Parent Statement report will filter and generate statements for parents with a 0.00 dollar balance correctly.STP10193383
TASS.web > Payroll.webPay EnvelopesCorrection to ensure annual salary appears on electronic payslips.SWA04193056
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupCorrection to update the Allowance Type option Tools to Tool.N/A193559
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave / Other ApplicationsCorrection to display the warning and Action section correctly in mobile mode.AUS08193540
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Updates from Parent LoungeCorrection to display attachments correctly.CAM01193444
Staff Kiosk > TeacherRequisitionsCorrection to ensure a user with correct permissions can cancel an approved requisition.ISL02193474
TASS.web > Timetable.webExternal Data Interface > Import DataCorrection to optimise indexing against the master timetable to increase performance.CAR02193447
webBook > Webbook (Portal)Activity AssessmentCorrection to ensure activities with an assigned calculation rule based on Final Result or Overall Subject Grade performs correctly when set as Completed.MAR02193481


Release DateNov 30th, 2021






IMS Ref.

Parent Lounge > Enrolled StudentsMedical DetailsCorrection to ensure that when adding the Australian Immunisation Register for Enrolled Students, only the student's details and their attachments are present.CAM01193572
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webEP Processing & Updates from PLCorrection to ensure that when more than one student is being refunded in a group the automatic email created during the 'Student Deposit Refund' process is only sent to the parent of the student.GOO04193570


Release DateNov 25th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Attendance.webListings & ReportsNew listing program: Attendance Rates Report. This report generates: previous year attendance, attendance percentage and rate and attendance rate per subject.N/A193044
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webAssetsEnhancement to add a new 'Upload Assets' icon in the toolbar which provides a facility to upload new assets and add the uploaded assets to a new Additions Batch. This facility does not support upload of partially depreciated assets and therefore is not suitable for loading opening balance assets.N/A193023
TASS.web > General Ledger.webLedger Details ReportEnhancement to allow wildcard searching on the Accounts Code field for Ledger Details Report. User now have two options to search for Account Codes: Single (type to receive a picklist) and the lookup (where the wildcard can be used).NEW02193393
TASS.web > Medical.webStudent Illness/Daily LogEnhancement to include a student photo when opening an entry to the Student Illness / Daily Log on the Illness Record screen.CAM02193378
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webLedger Trial BalanceEnhancement to optimise existing Billing Period validations to support non-calendar financial years.RED02193079
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webLedger Trial BalanceEnhancements to Ledger Trial Balance report to filter and subtotal the report by the student's year group.STP17193375
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent Accounts SetupEnhancement to the 'Billing Periods' tab and the modal screen to provide additional validation on the Period dates and more flexibility to support non-calendar financial years.RED02193062
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesEnhancement to include a student photo on the Pastoral Care Entry Details screen.CAM02193377
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Mobile App API

A new OAuth2 API has been created which authenticates parents using OAuth2.0. Third party providers can authenticate parents within TASS with the following authentication methods: TASS, LDAP or SAML.

A new tab in API Gateway Maintenance allows the creation of the Parent Application API containing OAuth2.0 authentication and application parameters.

The Mobile App API endpoints are used with this API.

This API uses the Mobile App API licenses.

NOTE: This API is currently in 'beta' with the schools who co-funded this project.







IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesCorrection to ensure that all invoice line items are displayed when viewing an invoice that has multiple distribution lines, where one of those lines is an asset purchase clearing account.BAL01193504
TASS.web > APIIdM APICorrection to getEmployees endpoint to ensure Teacher's username is accurately retrieved from the LDAP/SAML username.ERC001193449
Attendance Self RegistrationDocket PrinterCorrection to ensure a printer only prints once as required, where a school is running a multi-tenanted web server instance.AII01193465
TASS.web > School Shop.webSale EntryCorrection to ensure the Payment tab allows multiple Payment Types to be recorded when there is an outstanding balance.SST01193413
Staff Kiosk > TeacherGroupsCorrection to enable 'Student' and 'Parent' keywords in emails sent from Staff Kiosk where the group members are students only.ORM01193373
TASS.web > Utilities.webLMS APIEnhancement to optimise LMS API endpoint getStudentTimetable to ensure faster processing.STJ11193320


Release DateNov 4th, 2021






IMS Ref.

Staff Kiosk > Extra CurricularExtra Curricular GroupsCorrection to allow multiple fixtures for the same team in the same round.ROC01193451
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webDepreciation CalculatorCorrection to ensure that assets have the correct Book Code from the Fixed Assets Setup and update where invalid to ensure that an exception report is not returned when running the Depreciation Calculator.N/A193464


Release DateOct 28th, 2021






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > General Ledger.webJournalsCorrection to the Tax Journal program to ensure that the journal is created correctly. This will ensure that the GST amount is posted to the correct GST Control Account.NOO01193448


Release DateOct 27th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webReporting SetupCorrection to display a friendly error when academic report emails are sent without the sender's email defined.STJ11193348
TASS.web > APIEdumate Integration APIEnhancement to optimise the setParents endpoint for faster processing.ARE01193236
TASS.web > Community PlusSetup InformationEnhancement to optimise the Parent Display Names report (in Global Update Mode) to ensure faster completion.TOO02193338
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent StatementsEnhancement to Parent Statements by adding the following footnote "® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518" line as required under the BPAY Brand Guidelines.CAN002193329
TASS.web > Utilities.webStudent Details APIEnhancement to the Student Detail API endpoint GetCommunication Rules to include: - Person Position Number - Person label - Person Gender - Person Gender DescriptionN/A193438






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesCorrection to underlying logic for 'Add Asset' link to ensure it displays all lines in the purchase order.LOR01193426
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webPrint Remittance AdvicesCorrection to ensure remittance advice is printed correctly when the 'Print Supplier Bank Details' is checked at runtime.VIL01193353
TASS.web > Community PlusDetail Report (Critical Data Issues)Correction to the Detailed Report (Critical Data Issues) to ensure that Oops errors are not encountered.N/A193245
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolment Details ListingCorrection to ensure a Details Listing displays when the chosen UD Area's table reference fields are non-sequential.PIT01193380
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardCorrection to stay on Reconcile Statement Transactions screen when processing multiple Bank Rules.N/A193339
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Charges and CreditsCorrection to the entry modal to ensure elements load correctly and do not prevent data entry.KIN01193399
Parent Lounge > Home PageParent LoungeCorrection to Parent Lounge to avoid Oops errors when attendance parameters are not set.ROS01193416
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HRCorrection to display the Tick next to the staff names in Staff Calendar for approved leave.HIL01193376
TASS.web > Student.webBuild ClassesCorrection to display the Build Classes program correctly when students are assigned with a future date of entry.RIV02193371
TASS.web > Utilities.webData Upload UtilityCorrection to provide an exception report if there is invalid data when uploading to Student UD Areas.CAR02193296
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsCorrection to Unexplained Absence Email to ensure keywords resolve correctly in sent emails.N/A193277


Release DateOct 15th, 2021






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webSuppliersCorrection to the Supplier Ledger tab to ensure that the view link does not cause Oops Errors.KIN01193410


Release DateOct 13th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesEnhancement to the Asset Addition link to support the tracking of capital budgets.N/A193261
TASS.web > APIEdumate Integration APIEnhancement to optimise the setParents endpoint for faster processing.ARE01193236
TASS.web > APIEdumate Integration APIEnhancement to optimise the setStudents endpoint for faster processing.ARE01193238
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webDepreciation CalculationEnhancement to ensure that depreciation cannot be run more than once and to optimise the processing.RED04193300






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > APIIdM APICorrection to ensure the Department field is filled for teachers when requesting all employees.WES01193344
TASS.web > APIOnline Enrolments APICorrection to ensure that Community records are created with Preferred Name tokens.TCS01193214
TASS.web > General Ledger.webPost JournalsCorrection to ensure that Journals can be posted when the Auto Payments permission point is not applied to a user.RED04193335
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HRCorrection to display the Cancel button for Leave Applications where the Leave has not been taken and has not been included in a pay run (Status: Approved - not yet taken).N/A193174
TASS.web > StudentLabels/Letter MergesCorrection to the 'Emails' option for the Labels / Letter Merge program.BAL01193349
TASS.web > StudentStudent Attend. – STATS (Aus)Correction to the STATS XML file to ensure the AttendanceDays handles two (2) decimal places.CEO01193187
TASS.web > StudentStudent Attend. – STATS (Aus)Correction to ensure students are being displayed in the company for which the report is run.CEO01193385
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsCorrection to ensure that the 'Click here to acknowledge this absence in Parent Lounge' keyword resolves correctly in the Unexplained Absences Reminder email.CAR02193289


Release DateSep 20th, 2021

What's New?

ModuleMenuDetailsCustomerIMS Ref.
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webResult Based Comment TranslationsEnhancement to ensure inactive subjects do not appear in the drop-down list in Result Based Comments/Translations.N/A192796
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsDeposit RefundsAdded functionality to Parent Lounge to enable parents to set their bank details for Student Deposit Refunds via EP.N/A192530
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents & PaymentsAdded support for the OZOW Payment Gateway for parents making payments after accepting a paid event or option.N/A192644
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents & PaymentsEnhancement to the Lock Broker functions to prevent records from being updated by Parents when accepting or declining an event.N/A192763
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsPayment Schedule left menuEnhancement to Parent Lounge Payment Schedules > Add Payments Schedule to: - always deduct receipts since the last statement from the Payment Total used for calculating instalments, - based on a new parameter, add charges since the last statement to the Payment Total used for calculating instalments, and - based on a new parameter, deduct credits since the last statement from the Payment Total used for calculating instalments.N/A192372
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsScheduled TaskAdded support to Master Scheduled Task program for payment gateway lookup calls for Parent Lounge Account Payments to include OZOW payment gateway.N/A192667
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsScheduled TaskAdded support to Master Scheduled Task program for payment gateway lookup calls for Parent Lounge Events & Payments to include OZOW payment gateway.N/A192671
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsSchool Fees AccountEnhancement to datatypes that can be processed by School Easypay API.N/A192274
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsSchool Fees AccountAdded support to Master Scheduled Task program for payment gateway lookup calls for Parent Lounge School Fee Account Payments to include OZOW payment gateway.N/A192612
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsSchool Fees AccountAddition of a new permission point for deleting Payment Schedules from Parent Lounge.N/A192674
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webApprove EPsUpdates to the 'Approve EPs' screen for displaying and supporting Student Deposit Refunds via EP.N/A192538
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webAuto PaymentsAdded support for Student Deposit Refunds via EP to the 'Auto Payments' screen for ABA generation.N/A192539
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webEmail EP RemittancesEnhancement to 'Email EP Remittances' program to support emailing Student Deposit Refund remittances when paid by EP.N/A192540
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesEnhancements to the Invoice GL Grid and PO Grid in add/edit/view modes to facilitate asset addition when entering invoices.N/A192344
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesEnhancement to the GL Distribution grid entry modal to warn users when changes are made to an existing line item when there is a linked asset.N/A192345
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesEnhancements to the asset addition modal that can be invoked from the GL Distribution grid or the PO Entry grid.N/A192346
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesEnhancement to the Search screen and List screen to include Fixed Asset selections and GL Distribution search fields. The List screen will now display Asset counts.N/A192351
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesAddition of a hover-over, for Student Deposit Refunds via EP, to show BSB, Account Number, Account Name, and Our Account Code.N/A192541
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webPayment CalculatorEnhancement to the Payment Calculator to support payment of Miscellaneous Suppliers via EP.N/A192216
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webPayment CalculatorEnhancements to the Payment Calculator to support payment of Student Deposit Refunds via EP.N/A192537
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webPrint Remittance AdvicesEnhancements to the Print Remittance Advice program to support payment of Miscellaneous Suppliers via EP.N/A192333
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webPrint Remittance AdvicesEnhancements to the Print Remittance Advice program to support payment of Student Deposit Refunds via EP.N/A192542
TASS.web > APILMS Integration APIEnhancement to the getTeachers endpoint to include "pc_tutor_group".N/A192962
Attendance Self Registration > Attendance Self RegistrationAppointment Self RegistrationEnhancement to prevent users logging in to Appointment Self Registration using Internet Explorer.N/A192839
Attendance Self Registration > Attendance Self RegistrationAttendance Self RegistrationEnhancement to prevent users logging into Attendance Self Registration with Internet Explorer.N/A192706
Attendance Self Registration > Attendance Self RegistrationIllness Self RegistrationEnhancement to prevent users logging into Illness Self Registration with Internet Explorer.N/A192838
TASS.web > Attendance.webBulk Absentee EntryEnhancement to change the 'Tours' icon for Events and Payments student mode search in the Bulk Absentee Entry Program to 'Events'.N/A192571
TASS.web > Attendance.webStudent Absence EntryEnhancement to enable a search for a student by entering 3 or more characters of their code or any component of their name directly into the student code field.N/A193039
TASS.web > Attendance.webStudent Absence Entry/Student AttendanceEnhancement to add a 'Print Late Slip' option when Early Departure and Late for School Absence Type is selected on the 'Student Absence Entry' and 'Student Attendance' program.COO01187475
Staff Kiosk > CalendarAppointment Types (Setup)Enhancement that adds a new 'Appointment Types (Setup)' function, that staff can use to create and maintain 'Appointment Types' in the 'Student Appointment Self Registration' and 'Appointment Log' functions.N/A192145
Staff Kiosk > CalendarSchool Calendar (View)Enhancement to logic to ensure the Print function of School Calendar View prints Event Names correctly.N/A193011
Commercial Debtors Portal > Commercial Debtors PortalLoginEnhancement to prevent users from logging in to Commercial Debtors portal with any version of Internet Explorer.N/A192704
Commercial Debtors Portal > Commercial Debtors PortalOnline PaymentEnhancement to add support for the new OZOW Payment Gateway for Commercial Debtors.N/A192650
Commercial Debtors Portal > Commercial Debtors PortalScheduled TaskAdded support to the Master Scheduled Task program for payment gateway lookup call for CD Portal payments to include OZOW payment gateway.N/A192672
TASS.web > Community PlusSetup InformationIntroduction of the Name Tokens Grid program to allow for bulk updating name tokens on community records where there is missing data. This tool allows for bulk updating of information that's required to be fixed in preparation for Version 55. This program will only appear where there is data that requires attention.PEA01193243
TASS.web > Community PlusSetup InformationEnhancement to the Name Token Grid in Community for performance improvements.N/A193325
TASS.web > Employee/HRLabels / Letter MergeEnhancement to update the Tax & Bank Search tab for STP Phase 2 requirements.N/A193049
TASS.web > Employee/HRPD CertificatesEnhancement to update the Tax & Bank Search tab for STP Phase 2 requirements.N/A193051
Parent Lounge > Enrolled StudentsGeneral DetailsEnhancement to convert the General Details screen to a Left Menu layout.N/A192317
Parent Lounge > Enrolled StudentsGeneral DetailsEnhancement to the General Details tab to include Student UD Area data for enrolled students.N/A192388
Parent Lounge > Enrolled StudentsGeneral DetailsEnhancement to allow parents to update Student UD Area data for Enrolled Students.N/A192389
TASS.web > Enrolments.webOnline Enrolment ApplicationsAdded support for entering USI when creating an enrolment via Online Enrolment Applications Upload.N/A192505
TASS.web > Enrolments.webStudent Enrolments GridEnhancements to the Student Fields list and grid.N/A192851
TASS.web > Enrolments.webVariousEnhancement to add FFPOS field and filter option to various screens and also to increase the size of the Visa field .N/A192999
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsEnhancement to remove the Email button on the Mail Merge Options dialog.N/A192300
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsEnhancement to replace action icons with a hamburger menu.N/A192627
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsAdditional record locking when records are being edited by users.N/A192815
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsChanges to Bulk Assign to introduce record locking and make this menu item available regardless of Event status.N/A192886
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsEnhancement to the Students page to introduce the Student Bulk Changes Grid and associated record locking.N/A192890
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsEnhancement to send Notifications to Approvers when Events are Cloned and saved as Outstanding.N/A192989
Staff Kiosk > Extra CurricularExtra Curricular GroupsEnhancement to replace action icons with a hamburger menu.N/A192631
TASS.web > Extra Curricular.webActivity GroupsEnhancement to replace action icons with a hamburger menu.N/A192632
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webAssetsEnhancement to display a warning when editing an asset that is linked to an invoice.N/A192330
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webAssetsEnhancements to include Invoice Document Number field in the search screen, print options (additional fields) and General tab.N/A192464
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webAssetsChanges to the 'Ledger' tab to include a new column 'Trans Description'. The Print options will have a new option to include this column on the Listing (where included, output will be landscape orientation).N/A192758
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webAssetsEnhancement of the General tab screen to include a View link when the 'Inv Document No' field is populated.N/A193024
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webPRSEnhancement to resolve performance issues when running Depreciation Calculation program.RED04193316
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Account DashboardEnhancement to 'Reconcile' screen for bank rules, includes: - Create Bank Rule links, - View Bank Rules links, - New logic to match Statement Transactions to Bank Rules, and - New logic to Add & Reconcile a Cash Book Journal based on a matched Bank Rule.N/A192754
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardAddition of a new 'Add Cash Book Journal' modal for creating a new Cash Book Journal from the selected statement transaction.N/A192594
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBAS PreparationEnhancements to the BAS Period Details screen to include totals for GL Tax Journals.N/A192296
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBAS PreparationEnhancements to the New BAS Period screen including the calculation logic required to derive BAS totals for GL Tax Journals.N/A192297
TASS.web > General Ledger.webGST on Tax Journals ReportIntroduction of a 'GST on Tax Journals Report' to cater for the new Tax Journal program.N/A192299
TASS.web > General Ledger.webLedger Details ReportEnhancement of the Search function on the Account Code field on the General tab.N/A193025
Parent Lounge > Home PageItems to Action left menuEnhancement to provide a new 'Items to Action' left menu containing one click access to a list of tasks parents are required to complete.N/A193004
Staff Kiosk > Home PagePreferencesAdded image support to Staff Kiosk email signature preference.RED19192239
Parent Lounge > Home PagePTI ConferencesEnhancement to redirect the user to the home screen instead of throwing an oops error if they hit 'Click here to review this Parent Teacher Interview Conference in Parent Lounge' from a system generated email when they do not have access to the conference/student.N/A193016
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalClass RollcallEnhancement to ensure an Absent From Class record cannot be added if a Late For School record has been submitted by ASR.HIL02175262
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalHomepageAdded a new widget to display the current timetable period for the user.N/A192708
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalHomepageAdded a new widget to display today's eDiary Calendar for the user.N/A192729
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalStaff Kiosk loginEnhancement to prevent users from logging in to Staff Kiosk with any version of Internet Explorer.N/A192701
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalStudent Details (Lists/Emails)Enhancement to include User Defined Billing fields 6-20 in the Additional Fields options in Student Details (Lists/Emails).ABB01180984
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalVariousAdded support for global email banners when sending emails via Staff Kiosk.N/A192361
Staff Kiosk > ListingsClass List/EmailsEnhancement to allow all subject classes that are being taken in a semester/term to show in the multi-select Classes box. This will enable first year teachers to send welcome emails to students.GRE01192251
TASS.web > Medical.webStudent Illness/Daily LogEnhancement to the 'Add on Illness Record' modal screen. The Student Code field can now be populated using the modern Student Search Component (searchinput control).N/A193040
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webApply Deposit DistributionEnhancement to the logic for Student Deposit Refunds to populate the address in the Accounts Payable module.N/A192533
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webElectronic Receipts ProcessingEnhancement to the Fee Receipt Upload tool to permit negative non-fee account amounts.ABB01192844
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webEP Processing & Updates from PLEnhancement to the Student Deposit Refunds module to include: - New program for deposit refunds to be paid by EP. Includes an option to create a Task for parents to enter Payment Details (BSB/Account Number) via Parent Lounge - Review/accept Updates from PL. - An option to directly enter Payment Details (BSB/Account Number) for parents - Change log audit for the above.N/A192534
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webEP Processing & Updates from PLEnhancement to the Student Deposit Refunds module to include a new modal screen for entry/editing of Payment Details (BSB/Account Number) for deposit refunds.N/A192535
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webEP Processing & Updates from PLIntroduction of a new screen for reviewing and/or accepting updates from Parent Lounge for Student Deposit Refund Payment Details.N/A192556
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webEP Processing & Updates from PLIntroduction of a new modal screen for viewing Payment Details Change Log.N/A192562
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent Account InquiryEnhancement to the Payment Schedules tab in the Parent Account Inquiry program to include a Maintain Payment Schedule button instead of a link.N/A192857
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent Account SetupEnhancement adding a 'Parents Without a Published Statement' PDF report to the Parent Lounge tab of Parent Accounts Setup.AUS08170358
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent Accounts SetupEnhancements to the Billing Structure tab, to include a Print option for generating a Billing Rules Listing.N/A192392
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent Accounts SetupEnhancements to the Discount Structure tab, to include a Print option for generating a Discount Rules Listing.N/A192393
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent Accounts SetupEnhancement to Discount Structure to enable entry of '+' character in the 'Student Position in Family' field on discount rules.N/A193046
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent StatementsEnhancement to Payment Schedules to auto populate the Transaction Cut Off Date field with the current date when the 'Generate Reminder Statements' option is selected.TRI04192786
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesAddition of two (2) new fields to the 'Parent Lounge' tab, Include New (unflagged) Charges and Include New (unflagged) Credits.N/A192370
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesEnhancement adding 'Overdue Portion' to the Parent Accounts keyword in Email Settings.N/A192823
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesEnhancement to the 'Parents Without Payment Schedule' List screen to provide an option to filter this list by Parent Type.N/A192858
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesEnhancements to the Payment Schedule modal screen and to the Payment Schedule Instalment modal screen to enable partial editing of Approved and Approved/Settled instalments.N/A192927
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPre-Billing Report; Auto Account Billing; Generate Split Bill Trans.Enhancements to cater for inclusion of a '+' character in the 'Student Position in Family' field on discount rules.N/A193047
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Extra CurricularAdded support for the OZOW Payment Gateway for parents making payments after signing up to an Extra Curricular activity.N/A192648
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Extra CurricularEnhancements to ensure that the 'Submit to School' button is always visible to Parents on any device regardless of page scrolling.N/A193032
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)General DetailsEnhancements to enable parents to submit updates for enrolled student MCEECDYA data.N/A176416
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Parent Lounge loginEnhancement to prevent users from logging in to Parent Lounge with any version of Internet Explorer.N/A192702
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Parent Teacher InterviewsEnhancement to PTI Confirmed Appointments Section to include a "Join Online Meeting" link.MEN01192808
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Parent Teacher InterviewsEnhancement to Book an Appointment section to update the Attending Parent default information to the name on the Parent record.MEN01192824
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)School Fees AccountAn enhancement has been made that resolves an issue of incorrectly including a payment method in a parent account, when a new payment method was being added in Parent Lounge.N/A192282
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)School Fees AccountEnhancement to validations to prevent duplicate payment method nicknames.GRE01192420
TASS.web > Parents.webElectronic Receipts ProcessingEnhancement to update the references to Tours and Tours/Excursions to Events.N/A192401
TASS.web > Parents.webParent Lounge SetupEnhancements to the Homepage tab to include new 'Items to Action' menu item.N/A192957
TASS.web > Parents.webUpdates from Parent LoungeEnhancement to processing Enrolled Student MCEECDYA Updates from Parent Lounge.N/A176599
TASS.web > Parents.webUpdates from Parent LoungeEnhancement to add UD Area Updates to the 'Updates from Parent Lounge' screen.N/A192451
TASS.web > Parents.webUpdates from Parent LoungeEnhancement to create UD Area Details screen for processing updates from Parent Lounge.N/A192452
TASS.web > Parents.webUpdates from Parent LoungeChanges to existing program to notify users there are outstanding Enrolled Student MCEECDYA Updates from Parent Lounge.N/A192762
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployee Grid EntryEnhancement to update the Tax & Bank Search tab and include additional fields from the Tax & Bank tab on the Employee record in the grid.N/A193048
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployeesEnhancement to add the 'Reason for Termination' field to the Employee General tab and make Date of Birth mandatory.N/A192802
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployeesEnhancement to the Check Employee Data program to add new exceptions checks for STP Phase 2.N/A192895
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployeesEnhancement to the Payroll Employee Listing to add STP Phase 2 fields to the Addition Field list and listing.N/A192918
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployeesEnhancement to add the Previous Payroll ID field to the Payroll Employee Listing.N/A193001
TASS.web > Payroll.webPay Run ResetEnhancement to the Pay Run Reset process to populate the new Child Support fields. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.N/A192771
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to replace the HELP/SSL/TSL and SFSS fields with a new STSL field in the Tax Scales tab and the Tax Scales Details screen. The Effective Date field will also be added to the Tax Scales tab. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.N/A192557
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to the Tax Scales Listing to replace the HELP/SSL/TSL and SFSS fields with the STSL field and the addition of the Last Import Date and Effective Date fields. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.N/A192558
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to Import Tax Scales program to use the stsl_flg field instead of the help_flg and sfss_flg fields when matching the school's tax scales with the downloaded tax scales. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.N/A192559
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to the PAYG Payment Summary Options section of the Pay Code Details modal. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.N/A192608
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to add the ATO Scale Option field to the Tax Scale Details screen. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.N/A192736
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to add the Salary Sacrifice Type field to the Pay Code Details screen. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.N/A192778
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to provide additional validation to prevent exceptions when setting up Awards. Award full time hours/days cannot be zero.N/A192784
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to the Check Payroll Setups program. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.BAL01192820
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to the Paycode Details screen to make the Allowance Type, Leave Type, Salary Sacrifice Type and Lump Sum Payments fields conditionally mandatory.N/A192891
TASS.web > Payroll.webPosition RolesEnhancements to various screens and reports to cater for up to 4 Approvers.N/A192675
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcesingEnhancement to update the Employee Event List Screen and Employee Event Listing to meet STP Phase 2 requirements.N/A192862
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingEnhancement to add columns for Child Support Deductions and Child Support Garnishees to the STP Events lIst screen and STP Event Listing. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.N/A192791
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingUpdate the Generate Employee Data process for Pay Events and Update Events. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.N/A192799
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingUpdate the Transmit the ATO process to accommodate STP Phase 2 requirements.N/A192837
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingUpdate the Transmit to ATO process to delete the XML file after it has been sent.N/A192882
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingEnhancement to the Create Update Event screen to enable the linking of TASS payroll identifiers to those from a customer's previous payroll system.N/A192996
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingEnhancement to the Generate Employee Update Event Data screen and process to conditionally include the Previous Payroll ID field for employees.N/A192997
TASS.web > Payroll.webSuper Remittance File/ReportIntroduction of a new Super Alternative File Format (SAFF) option.N/A192661
TASS.web > Payroll.webTimesheetsEnhancement to make the 'Import Leave Timesheets' icon and Payroll Groups dropdown appear only when there are leave applications to process.N/A192822
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HRAn enhancement has been made to include a new 'Break' field in the 'Timesheet Entry Details' screen. It will be mandatory for staff to enter an amount in minutes (0 or greater).N/A192181
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave / Other ApplicationsEnhancements to the Grid screen to: - display Approved status to match the Status filter (Approved - not yet taken; Approved - has been taken), and - show the name of the final approved in the Assigned To column where status is 'Approved - not yet taken'.N/A192377
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave / Other ApplicationsEnhancements to the Grid screen: 1) To display a Warning type icon for terminated employees. 2) Include a Cancel icon in the Action column for terminated employees (against applications that have an Edit or Approve icon). Enhancements to the Grid screen to: - display a Warning type icon for terminated employees, and - include a Cancel icon in the Action column for terminated employees (against applications that have an Edit or Approve icon).N/A192384
TASS.web > Payroll/HRSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingEnhancement to the Employee Event Details screen to meet STP Phase 2 requirements.N/A192853
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRStaff TimesheetsEnhancements to the Timesheet Entries - Approve mode screen to cater for third and fourth Approvers.N/A192678
Staff Kiosk > RollcallRollcallAn enhancement has been made to display the 'Student Surname Display Preference' in the 'Class Rollcall' screen in both 'Grid' and 'List' view, and in the 'Detailed Entry' screen.N/A192261
TASS.web > School Shop.webReceiptsEnhancement to: - Disable auto pop up when selecting EFTPOS, - Change the text in the pop up from Card Number to "Last 4 Digits of Card Number", and - Update the card number field to max length of 4.N/A192544
TASS.web > StudentStudent Attend. -STATS (Aus)Introduction of a new exception report to assist users resolving errors when running the Student Attendance - STATS report.CAT01191572
Student Cafe > Student CafeStudent Cafe loginEnhancement to prevent users from logging in to Student Cafe with any version of Internet Explorer.N/A192703
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsGeneral DetailsEnhancement to convert the General Details screen to a left menu layout.N/A192315
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsGeneral DetailsThe General Details screen has been enhanced to include Student UD Area data.N/A192348
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsGeneral DetailsAdded a new screen to allow parents to update Student UD Area data.N/A192380
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsGeneral DetailsEnhancement to the 'Student Details' left menu so the 'State based Student ID' field is only displayed if the new Parent Lounge Setup parameter ('Display State based Student ID') is ticked.SHE02192761
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsScheduled TaskAdded support for the OZOW Payment Gateway for parents making payments after signing up to an extra curricular activity.N/A192668
TASS.web > Student.webBuild ClassesAdded the ability to include students with a future date of entry in the 'Build Classes' program.MAI01180892
TASS.web > Student.webQCAA Grid (Qld)Enhancement to the QCAA Grid to cater for the new report format. Report now includes 'USI' in column G and the 'Survey Contact status' in column AL. Note: Both columns are optional.VIL01176629
TASS.web > Student.webSES Export (Aus)An enhancement has been made to the SES Extract to meet the 2021 requirements including: - Gender Fluidity (parents must now be linked to addresses by their 'Person Position' instead of their gender) - New saved configuration facility - New location details tab - XML output fileN/A192244
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Grid EntryEnhancement to display details of the user who has locked student records as part of the 'Lock Encountered' message when using student grids.N/A192513
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Records SetupEnhancement to display details of the user who has locked student records as part of the Lock Encountered message.N/A192666
TASS.web > Student.webStudentsEnhancement to display details of the user who has locked student records as part of the 'Lock Encountered' message.N/A192511
TASS.web > Student.webVariousEnhancement to the Student Search General tab to update the size of the 'Visa Subclass' field to 6 characters and include the FFPOS field.N/A192350
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Census (Aus)Enhancement to export indigenous students and employees with a value of 'I' instead of 'Y'.AUT193063
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)TASSweb LoginEnhancement to prevent users from logging in to TASS.web with any version of Internet Explorer.N/A192700
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)ToolbarNew menu item "Release My Locks" added to the Username Menu of TASS.web.N/A192597
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)VariousEnhancement to enable banners and images in the email body to be added to emails when using the Generate Emails programs throughout TASS.N/A192360
Staff Kiosk > TeacherParent Teacher InterviewsEnhancement to PTI Appointment Review - Details page to change the auto-populated text for the Parent Attending Field to include the parent names from the parent record general tab.MEN01192805
Staff Kiosk > TeacherParent Teacher InterviewsNew Generate Emails (Appointment Schedule) page to accommodate emailing appointment schedules to Parents and Students.MEN01192806
Staff Kiosk > TeacherParent Teacher InterviewsNew Bulk Meeting Link Assign grid for assigning meeting links to teachers.MEN01192807
Staff Kiosk > TeacherParent Teacher InterviewsEnhancement to include a clickable link rather than a plaintext URL string in the schedule table keyword translation for the Appointment Schedule List.N/A193094
Staff Kiosk > TeacherRequisitionsEnhancement to remove the "FAX:" heading in Teacher Kiosk when printing a purchase order.ABB01192440
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webGenerate Conference ScheduleEnhancement to allow for multiple breaks when generating the appointment schedule.MEN01192812
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webParent Teacher InterviewsEnhancement to System Emails to resolve new keywords (Appointment Schedule List, Conference Date, Conference Description) in several PTI Email Templates.MEN01192892
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesEnhancement to add and save multiple breaks per session.MEN01192800
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesEnhancement to edit and save multiple breaks per session.MEN01192813
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesEnhancement to delete PTI Break records from the database on the deletion of a conference.MEN01192814
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesEnhancement to add Generate Email functionality.MEN01192817
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesEnhancement to add Meeting Link as a new action option to allow bulk update of meeting links for a single teacher for all of their appointments.MEN01192818
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesEnhancement to display multiple breaks per session in the Interview Conference Sessions section of the General Tab.MEN01192819
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesVarious enhancements to populate and display parent name from the parent general tab instead of the parent name from parent address blocks.MEN01192825
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesVarious enhancements to populate and display parent name from the parent general tab instead of the parent name from parent address blocks.CHA03192828
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesEnhancement to add multiple break functionality.MEN01192885
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webTeacher Kiosk SetupEnhancements to add a new field 'Comm Type for Student Medical Listing' on the General Details tab.N/A192448
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webTeacher Kiosk SetupAlter the Homepage setup to allow 'My Timetable' and 'My Saved Reports Menu' items to be edited to change the default sort order.N/A192772
Staff Kiosk > ToursEvents and PaymentsEnhancement to change the colour of the 'Submit Approve' button from Red to Blue.N/A192696
Staff Kiosk > ToursTours/Excursions (Maintain)Enhancement to order the events listed in the Tour/Event mode student search in Bulk Absentee Entry by Event Number descending.CEN01193031
Staff Kiosk > ToursTours/Excursions (View)Enhancement to the Teacher filter in Events & Payments to be sorted by Current Teachers Surname alphabetically and then Non-current Teachers Surname alphabetically with group headings for "Current" and "Non-Current".HIL01192915
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceAn enhancement has been made to the TASS API log viewer to allow the JSON packet from the API request to be reviewed (if logging is enabled)N/A192270
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceAn enhancement has been made to include an 'Enable JSON Logging' option in the TASS API Details screen. This allows the JSON packet in an API request to be captured and stored for auditing and debugging purposes.N/A192273
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceAdded support for the new OZOW Payment Gateway on the External API tab.N/A192565
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceEnhancement to change the testing URL for the new OZOW Payment Gateway.N/A192793
TASS.web > Utilities.webEdumate Integration APIAn enhancement has been made to make the parent 'Occupations' optional and to prevent them from being transferred to a parent record via the TASS API.N/A192301
TASS.web > Utilities.webEdumate Integration APIAn enhancement has been made to make the student 'Religion' optional and to prevent them from being transferred to a student record via the TASS API.CHA03192302
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsAdded support for images in the Email Signature and Footer Message fields on the Footer Setup tab.N/A192359
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsAdded a new banner attachment field and support for adding images to the email template body on the Email Templates tab.N/A192362
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsAdded a new banner attachment field and support for adding images to the email template body on the System Email Templates tab.N/A192363
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancements to add the 'Parent Lounge Deposit Refund' section to the keywords picklist for the System Email Templates tab.N/A192507
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancement to Email Templates adding a new keyword (Overdue Portion) to the Parent Account (PARACC) email category.N/A192766
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancement to Email Templates to add new keywords (Appointment Schedule List, Conference Date, Conference Description) to Parent Teacher Interviews (PTI) email category.MEN01192811
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmployee/HR APIEnhancement to the API endpoint GetEmployeeDetails to support a new optional parameter ('last_updated_on') and responses ('last_updated on' and 'last_updated_by').STP10192928
TASS.web > Utilities.webInspired Integration APIEnhancements to add the following keys returned in the getAssetRegister endpoint: - category_text - category_code - physical_location_text - physical_location_codeINS01192846
TASS.web > Utilities.webInspired Integration APIAddition of a new endpoint (getStudentInfo).INS01192917
TASS.web > Utilities.webInspired Integration APIEnhancement to the getStudentInfo endpoint to add 2 new result keys: entry_yr and entry_ygrp.INS01193319
TASS.web > Utilities.webScheduled TaskUpdate to the scheduled task that downloads tax scales from TASS to include the new stsl_flg field when inserting into the staging table. This is in preparation for STP Phase 2.N/A192560
TASS.web > Utilities.webStudent Details APIEnhancement to the API endpoint GetStudentDetails to support a new optional parameter ('last_updated_on') and responses ('last_updated on' and 'last_updated_by').STP10192929
TASS.web > Utilities.webTASS Software UpdateEnhancements to check Critical Data issues report to include parent person records without genders and also to check Critical Data Issues to include person records with no name tokens (excluding Students & Enrolled Students).N/A193058
webBook > Webbook (Portal)Webbook loginEnhancement to prevent users from logging in to Webbook with any version of Internet Explorer.N/A192705


ModuleMenuDetailsCustomerIMS Ref.
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure that the Generate Student Reports program displays results for activities when using archived data from a previous year in a non-unitised timetable.MOR02192338
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure that academic reports are printed correctly when there are multiple objectives in the same objective group having an objective code starting with 0E.LAK03192936
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents & PaymentsCorrections to the Events & Payments program to: - Change comment heading from 'Comment for Tour' to 'Comment for Event', - Remove ability to add/edit comments when the event has been declined, and - Ensure comments can only to be Added or Edited when the status of the Event is "Accepted"N/A192421
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents & PaymentsCorrection to Events & Payments to allow teachers to decline a student from an event while they have a pending payment.N/A192551
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents & PaymentsCorrection of unexpected behaviour when a future 'Date of Leaving' is entered on a student record. Current student records now remain accessible.LIN01192864
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents & PaymentsCorrection to a visual misalignment that occurs when a parent selects 'Accept' when the 'Only 1 place left!' notification is showing.N/A193015
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents & PaymentsCorrection to remove the "Sorry, no places left" message from the Payment Details page when the payment is for the last place in the event.N/A193055
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsSchool Fees AccountCorrection to handle the new date formats for certain credit cards processed by School Easypay API.PRI02192277
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webAP Snapshot ReportFix to correct unexpected behaviour in the AP Aging Report when payments using the same cheque number from different bank accounts occur. When two cheques with the same number from different bank accounts are used 'Forward Applied Cheques' now show correctly.AUS08192581
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webAuto PaymentsCorrection to allow cheques to have 10 digit numbers.ALL01193013
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webEmail EP RemittancesCorrection to remove the Bank Code field from the 'Email EP Remittances' program.N/A192549
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webEmail EP RemittancesCorrection to ensure emails are formatted correctly when multiple suppliers are included in the one batch.N/A193069
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webEmail EP RemittancesCorrection to ensure the invoice line isn't duplicated when sending Email EP remittances to a supplier for multiple invoices.N/A193093
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesFix to correct an unexpected result after entering a new invoice and answering 'No' on the pop-up asking if the user wants to enter another invoice. The system no longer reloads the data from the previous invoice.N/A192950
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webSupplier Grid EntryCorrection to the logic for Hold Pay Code in the Supplier Grid Entry to ensure that duplicate items do not appear.N/A141410
TASS.web > APIAPI Gateway MaintenanceCorrection to the API Gateway Maintenance Program to always show the provider name when using an OZOW gateway.N/A192848
TASS.web > APIAPI Gateway MaintenanceCorrection to the PDF Conversion API to ensure that it performs a status check.MOR02193076
TASS.web > APIEdumate APICorrection to ensure that email addresses are validated to a correct standard email format.N/A192268
TASS.web > APIIdM API > setEmployeeCorrection to the IdM API to ensure that optional fields are truly optional and are not overwritten with '' instead of being left as is.TOO02193084
TASS.web > APILISS APICorrection to prevent oops error when saving credentials for the LISS API via the front end.CAR02193038
TASS.web > APIOnline Enrolment APICorrection to validation of given name tokens on execution of API.N/A192623
Attendance Self Registration > Attendance Self RegistrationAttendance Self RegistrationCorrection to Attendance Self Registration program to prevent an error from generating when entering a late for school where an absent from class exists later in the day.ROC01192713
Attendance Self Registration > Attendance Self RegistrationSign on pageCorrection to the ASR Sign In screen to ensure that focus is not taken from the entry field when the screen is clicked or tapped.N/A192354
TASS.web > Attendance.webBulk Absentee EntryCorrection to ensure Absentee Records created through the Bulk Absentee Entry Program can be acknowledged by parents in Parent Lounge correctly.GRE01192723
TASS.web > Attendance.webBulk Absentee EntryCorrection to ensure students marked as 'Early Departure' produce a 'View Conflicts' link warning when marked as 'Absent for Afternoon'.CEO01192866
Staff Kiosk > CalendarAppointment Types (Setup)Correction to the Appointment Types (Setup) to ensure that the correct appointment types for a company appear.N/A192588
Staff Kiosk > CalendarCalendar/My CalendarCorrection to the Staff Kiosk Calendar to ensure that dates in the main calendar change correctly when dates in the side calendar are selected.N/A192414
Parent Lounge > CalendarSchool CalendarCorrection to Parent Lounge School Calendar to restrict year group specific events to those that match the year group(s) of the students linked to the parent (or linked via SFA records).HEI01192566
Staff Kiosk > CalendarSchool Calendar (View)Correction to the School Calendar View printed report to ensure it prints all days of multiple day events as expected.MER01192986
Commercial Debtors Portal > Commercial Debtors PortalReceiptsCorrection to the Commercial Debtors module to ensure that filters are retained when redirected after applying receipts.N/A165983
TASS.web > Commercial Debtors.webCustomer Grid EntryCorrection to the Customer Grid Entry to ensure that the unlinked customers filter is correctly applied.N/A182612
TASS.web > Community PlusCommunity Plus > List MailerCorrection to the List Mailer to ensure that UD areas are returned and processed correctly.N/A192520
TASS.web > Community PlusPeopleFix to correct a program error that occurs when viewing a parent's relationship graphic in Community Plus when the parent has no gender recorded.BIL01192849
TASS.web > Community PlusSetup InformationFix to the Community Display Name Global Update to check the data and prevent it from running if a person exists with no name tokens.LAK02192852
TASS.web > Community PlusSetup InformationCorrection to the Display Name Global Update where the program looked at Student data where it should only look at data relating to the Community Display Name and Parent Display Name. The error returned was: Missing First Name, Surname, Preferred Name, Gender.BAL01193251
TASS.web > Community PlusStudent / Enrolment / Past Student Ancestry ReportCorrection to the Ancestry Reports ensuring that output is conditional on if data is available for output.N/A192463
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployee/HR Setup > Titles tabCorrection to the edit modal to ensure that the title field is editable.N/A192543
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployeesCorrection to the tooltip to ensure that non-current employees are not being displayed as current.STU02187948
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployeesCorrection to Main Activity option on Employee record. 'Administrative and Clerical' changed to 'Administration and clerical'.AUT193029
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployeesCorrection to allow the saving of an Employee record after entering a Termination Date for a Non-Payroll Site.ROC01193037
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployeesCorrection to prevent an oops error when selecting an employee in a company regardless of whether payroll and/or payroll encryption are enabled or not.STP10193088
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolment Details ListingCorrection to the underlying logic to ensure that emails are sent when there is greater than 1000 students.MEN01193085
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolmentsAddition of a new permission point for creating enrolments via TASS.web.N/A192785
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolmentsCorrection to Enrolments Details Listing (Student based Listing with Addresses (Excel Only)) to ensure that the communication rule option is retained when using the browser back button.MAR03192869
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsCorrection to the Events & Payments module to ensure that when manually accepting a student the 'Accepted Date' is saved.N/A192430
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsCorrection to allow the user to disable an option when creating one for an event that already has 'accepted' students.N/A192442
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsEnhancement to sure that filters are retained when navigating via the breadcrumbs.N/A192698
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsCorrection to Events & Payments program to send a notification to users with the Approve Event permissions when an event is created.TAM01192715
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsCorrection to ensure editing the Nett price field of paid events having tax percentages set in the General Ledger updates the Total price field in the Add/Edit screen correctly and displays properly on the Costings screen.N/A192930
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to prevent error when printing Events and Payments Listing with the Alternate Row Colours option deselected.MAC02192683
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to Events & Payments print report so that the records are ordered by the selection made by the user.MUE01192692
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to prevent an error by enforcing a 60 character limit on the Event Option Description field.SHE02192722
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to ensure Parents can change Event 'Options' if the Options are zero dollars and the Event has already been accepted.SHE02192954
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsEnhancement to Events & Payments Listing report to include a selection to list Declined Students only.MAC02192968
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to require a general ledger code when editing an event with a cost value in an option.KIN01193026
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to ensure that while editing outstanding events or creating new events, users do not receive oops errors when they delete the value from the 'Tax' field and press Tab.N/A193054
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to Student event details when the Status changes. These changes align with the previous Tours & Excursions functionality and ensure the relevant flags, dates, update by and payment information are updated accordingly.N/A193164
Staff Kiosk > Extra CurricularExtra Curricular SetupFix to have the 'Students Allocated to Extra Curricular Group' column when using the Bulk Assign function include Students who are already assigned to the group.DOW01192913
Staff Kiosk > Extra CurricularExtracurricular GroupsCorrection to date ranges that can be selected for Extracurricular Groups.N/A192876
TASS.web > Extra Curricular.webActivity groupCorrection to retain hamburger menu when navigating back from Students page.N/A193017
TASS.web > Extra Curricular.webActivity GroupsFix to enforce a character limit on the comment field in Extracurricular Student Details to prevent a program error.GRA01192883
TASS.web > Extra Curricular.webActivity GroupsFix to correct an unexpected result when attempting to remove students with a DOL or DOE using Bulk Assign in the Activity Grid.CAM01192921
TASS.web > Extra Curricular.webExtra Curricular SetupCorrection to prevent an oops error occurring while Adding or Editing an activity when Year Groups -5 and -4 are defined and All Year Groups are selected.N/A193035
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webAssetsCorrection to ensure that when attempting to edit an asset that is already being edited, the record lock notification is displayed before entering the record.N/A192480
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webAssetsCorrection to prevent an oops error when generating a report from Assets Fixed Asset Information using the Export to Word option.N/A192952
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webFixed Assets SetupFix to correct an unexpected result when entering a Depreciation Rule that already exists.LIV01192905
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardCorrection to the calculation logic to ensure that transactions are included once they are "matched".N/A192477
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBPay Receipts ProcessingCorrection to the BPay Receipts Processing program to ensure that it processes Westpac BPay ReCall files correctly.KNO01192641
TASS.web > General Ledger.webGeneral Ledger SetupFix that allows the Reporting Code - code description field for reporting codes 10 to 20 to be editable.TRI05192955
TASS.web > General Ledger.webJournalsCorrection to logic to allow saving.SWA01192953
TASS.web > General Ledger.webPost JournalsOptimised the 'Post Journal's program for quicker load times.STH01192773
Parent Lounge > Home PageAbsences (PL home page)Correction to ensure the page reloads after the user clicks 'Submit Acknowledge' so the absence notification disappears.N/A192992
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalRequisitionsAdded validation to the new requisition screen to ensure that it meets the following criteria: - Maximum of 40 characters per line - Maximum of 6 linesBBC01180442
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalRollcallCorrection to ensure that that reason entered displays in the rollcall program when using a non-core absentee type.N/A173696
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalSchool Links (Maintain)Correction to ensure that errors do not occur when attempting to view via the School Links maintenance program.STA06192801
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalTeachers Details ListCorrection to remove Year Group filters from Teacher Details List in companies running unitized timetables.CAT01176404
Staff Kiosk > ListingsMy Saved ListsCorrection to prevent oops error when selecting 'View Students' from the hamburger menu on a Listings - Class List/Emails list in My Saved Lists.STJ18192682
Staff Kiosk > ListingsMy Saved ListsCorrection so that the 'Date of Birth' filter using "This Month" returns the correct number of Students.TRI05192845
Staff Kiosk > ListingsMy Saved ListsCorrection to prevent an oops error when selecting 'View Students' from the hamburger menu item on a Teacher - Adjustment List in My Saved Lists.N/A192973
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Details (List/Emails)Fix to ensure the Date selection for Attendance Status is taken into effect when generating a Student Details (List/Emails) report.MAC02192878
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Notes (Lists/Emails)Fix to Student Note listings in My Saved list to save the Note Date correctly to prevent unexpected results when reports run.ABB01192940
Staff Kiosk > LMSLearning Objects (Maintain & Assign)Correction to ensure that when the option "Will you be assessing this Activity?" is set to 'Yes' the relevant list of objectives and options is displayed.N/A193021
Staff Kiosk > LMSMy ClassesCorrection to ensure that errors are not encountered when selecting a result hyperlink in the grid.EMM02192724
Student Cafe > My ActivitiesCurricularCorrection to ensure that users can access the curricular program where the user has access to the 'Learning Management System' or 'Homework' permissions.LAU01192337
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webBPay Receipts ProcessingCorrection to the error logic when uploading a BPay receipt file to provide an informative error message.N/A192417
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webElectronic Receipts ProcessingCorrection to ensure the program uses the correct data type when generating the report.KIN01193267
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webElectronic Receipts ProcessingCorrection to ensure Event receipts are posted to the account defined on the Event, rather than the Debtors Control account. This fix also ensures the GL Distribution appears correctly.ORM01193294
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webGenerate Bank FileCorrection to ensure that amounts are rounded before comparison to prevent false-negative results.TAR03193233
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent Accounts SetupCorrection to display the correctly mapped character from the Student Records Setup program for year groups under zero (0).N/A192390
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent StatementsCorrection so that the keyword [PL LOGIN URL] resolves to the school's Parent Lounge URL in email generated from Parent Statements.SPR01193003
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesCorrection to ensure that apostrophes in parent names so they do not result in payment schedule UI elements failing from loading on to required screens.MAR02184618
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesCorrection to show the Rebuild screen in Parent Schedule when clicked and also to ensure it closes correctly.N/A192842
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webReceiptsCorrection to ensure the where the Payment Type is Direct Deposit and the date is in a future period that is closed. The user is able to dismiss the alert.TRI05175861
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webStudent Billing GridCorrection to ensure that all records displayed on the Student Billing Grid are exported correctly.GLE01192245
TASS.web > Parent DetailsParents/EnrollmentsCorrection to ensure that the Gender field does not change when editing a current or enrolled parent's name.N/A193071
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)CalendarCorrection to ensure that when a parent is attached solely by Split Family Access and Communication Rules they only see calendar information that is relevant to the applicable student/s year level.SCO03188025
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Events & PaymentsCorrection to ensure that labels referring to 'Tours' are corrected to 'Events'.N/A192787
TASS.web > Parents.webSplit Family Access Ghost ModalCorrection to ensure that the Split Family Access Ghost Logon modal is displayed correctly on Firefox.N/A192810
TASS.web > Past Students.webPast Student SetupCorrection to ensure that when past student addresses have been established, that a user cannot update the default address in the 'Default Address' number.AUS02192456
TASS.web > Payroll.webCreate Bank FileCorrection to prevent concurrent processing of Update Pay run and enable the running of this program without an oops error.TOO02183269
TASS.web > Payroll.webCreate Bank FileCorrection to ensure that exception report does not loop when an employee has no bank account set up on the 'Tax & Bank' tab of their employee record.N/A192510
TASS.web > Payroll.webEdit ListingCorrection to provide a graceful error when running Edit Listing if the Year is not setup in General Ledger Years & Periods.N/A166386
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployeesCorrection to ensure Online Timesheet Details Modal should displays correctly with no need to scroll down. Ensuring the height of the popup window is enough to fully encapsulate the data in the window.ABB01192379
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HRCorrections to the Leave Application screen to ensure the "Select Lessons" hyperlink is displayed when: - the user clicks the + sign first to add leave for two part days, or, - the user selects 'Part Day' then selects the + sign to add leave for two part days.N/A192536
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HRCorrection to to allow the 'Payroll / HR' menu item to be selectable when viewing the Teacher Kiosk in Mobile Responsive view on an iPad Pro.MAT01192967
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave / Other ApplicationsCorrection to ensure that the program does not have a default value selected for the Date Range.GEN01192826
TASS.web > Purchasing.webPurchase OrdersCorrection to logic to ensure that when searching by the 'Requestor Type' & 'Requested By' fields that the correct teacher or employee code is returned.SOU06190960
TASS.web > Purchasing.webPurchase OrdersCorrection to ensure that the report generated from the Purchase Order program show the correct data when selecting the following additional fields: Authoriser Code, Authoriser Comment and Requester Code.N/A191253
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection to ensure that when a user closes a modal for an absent type that requires a time that the modal is reopened when they select the option again.N/A192699
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallA fix that stops Events in Status other than Approved from creating Lesson Clash Alerts in Class Rollcall.N/A192832
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallFix that stops students in Invited or Declined Status in an Event from populating an Alert regarding an Event lesson clash in Class Rollcall.N/A192833
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection to prevent notifications stating that 'students were not able to be marked as absent because they were marked absent by another teacher' when: 1. An 'Absent from Class' is recorded via the detailed entry screen with a reason. 2. An 'Absent from Class' is recorded and the roll is then edited and saved.STM08193161
TASS.web > School Shop.webSale EntryCorrection to: - Save transactions to the database before printing receipts, and - Display alert when 'the docket printer cannot be found'.N/A192546
TASS.web > School Shop.webUser/Shop AccessCorrection to ensure that records can be edited or deleted where the user's company code on their 'User Maintenance' record is set to another company other than the current company.N/A192545
TASS.web > StudentEnrolmentsCorrection to remove the prohibited icon when hovering over the 'Name' field in add mode on the Enrolled Parent Details program and Online Enrolment Applications where there is only 1 parent.N/A192643
TASS.web > StudentStudent Attend. - STATSCorrection to ensure that users are able to use previously saved configurations for various government returns: - Student Details Listing; - Labels / Letter Merges; - Communication Rules Listing; - Multi Coy Student Details Listing; - Census (AUS); - Stats Student Attendance (Aus), - SES Export (AUS); - Parent Details Listing.N/A193002
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsParent Lounge > Student Details > General DetailsCorrection to ensure the 'Year Group' and 'Entry Year Group SD' fields show their translated value, instead of showing their original values e.g. -3, -2, -1 etc.N/A192524
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsParent Lounge > Student Details > General DetailsCorrection to remove 'SD' from being appended to the 'Entry Year Group' label.N/A192528
TASS.web > Student.webStudentsCorrection to remove the "Edit Communication Rules" button on the Student maintenance record where there is a corresponding Past Student record (paststudent.cstud_code = student.stud_code).MTS02a175641
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Activity groupCorrection to remove the "Create Custom Rolls" hamburger menu item from the TASS.web version as it is not relevant in TASS.web.N/A192872
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Communication Rules GridCorrection to allow the Communication Rules Grid to pull through non-current students when the 'Date of Entry' and 'Date of Leaving' filters are set to to capture non-current students.MAT01193027
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Data Upload UtilityCorrection to ensure that when updating parent or enrolled parent name tokens, existing data cannot be overridden with blanks. Where a parent name exists it can only be updated it can not be removed.N/A192654
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Details ListingCorrection to prevent error when running the Transfer Note WA program and enhancements to the date picker to prevent errors occuring.KEN01192617
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Details ListingCorrection to wording on two Events & Payments screens.N/A192867
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Generate EmailsCorrections to ensure the 'Join Online Meeting' and 'Subject' keywords resolve correctly in emails generated for Parent Teacher Interviews.N/A193006
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Labels/Letter MergesCorrection to the Labels/Letter Merge report to display all filtered results correctly.PAC01192422
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)MCEECDYA Grid (Aus)Fixes to the MCEECDYA grid to include non-current students.LAK02192884
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Multi Coy Student Details ListingCorrection to the Multi Coy Student Details Listing to across the correct age date.AUT192720
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)ParentsCorrection to ensure scheduled task updates parent status to non-current when the parent has no current students after students are re-instated in enrolments.ABB01192409
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)ParentsCorrection to allow users to close the Search Results box and navigate to the next record without being stuck in an infinite popup loop.RED21193242
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)PRSCorrection to community records to set the Preferred Name token to the First Name when the First Name is populated.N/A193229
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)PRSCorrection to Community to remove person numbers where the person number meets ALL of the following conditions: - Person First Name is BLANK or NULL - Person Preferred Name is BLANK or NULL - Person Surname is BLANK or NULL - Person Display is BLANK or NULL This PRS repairs invalid Community data.TOO02193256
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)QCAA Grid (Qld)A correction has been made to resolve an issue causing an 'Oops' error when saving the 'Map Genders' in the QCAA grid.MTS01192287
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Student Attend. – STATS (Aus)Correction to ensure all School Dates resolve correctly when daylight savings begins or ends during the period of the return.MAI02192988
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Student Records SetupCorrection to ensure the Parent Lounge column is displayed correctly when accessing the UD Areas tab.N/A192830
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Student Records SetupCorrection to prevent an oops error by allowing UD Areas to be not sequential.MEN01193036
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Student/Parent Records > Students/Parents > Profile> Communication LogUpdate the Email Details screen to show the new inline images and banner images.N/A192525
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)StudentsCorrection to the warning message to ensure that it refers to the correct type of note when deleting a student record.N/A192438
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)StudentsCorrection to change the sort order in Student Attendance and Student Medical to order by Surname, as per the Student search.KIN01192732
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Updates from Parent LoungeCorrection to allow records to be reviewed in all scenarios. For example when quotation marks (") are added to the name field.STJ18192339
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning SupportCorrection to allow the Support Plan print option to sort the UD fields based on the defined Sort Order.GRE01192336
Staff Kiosk > TeacherRequisitionsCorrection to the permissions logic to prevent unauthorised access to requisitions.GRE01192919
Staff Kiosk > TeacherRequisitionsCorrection to the notification 'There are N Unapproved Requisitions that you are an Approver for' so that it does not count requisitions assigned to the approving user.N/A192965
Staff Kiosk > TeacherResource Booking SystemCorrection to set Resource Booking default interval back to 15 minutes.STP14192881
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsCorrection to show a leave as Substitute Status Completed when all periods have either been substituted or set to 'Not Req'.COO02192686
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsCorrection to ensure that when the 'One Week' option is selected in the Period picker the counts above will include all days that are displayed on the screen.N/A192993
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsCorrection to ensure the Daily Substitutions program loads without an 'Internal Server Error' when there are a significant amount of records to load.N/A193068
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPrint Teacher TimetablesCorrection to ensure the 'PTI Schedule' Keyword resolves correctly from the parents' perspective in the case of Split Families.MEN01193095
TASS.web > Timetable.webImport DataA correction has been made to resolve an issue when some timetable records/teacher subjects were not being uploaded during the timetable import.SWA01192285
TASS.web > Users.webUser MaintenanceCorrection to the Add User Maintenance program to prevent an error if the user does not have the edit permission.CHR01192903
TASS.web > Utilities.webData Upload UtilityCorrection to ensure that the Data Upload Utility processes Employee name suffixes without error.PIT01193060
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsCorrection to ensure that all keywords available within a System Email Template resolve correctly in the delivered SMTP email.N/A192509
TASS.web > Utilities.webInspired Integration APICorrection to getAssetRegister endpoint fields (physical_location_text, physical_location_code) so they return the physical location correctly.INS01192922
TASS.web > Utilities.webSystem Email Templates (ASR keywords)Fix to ensure the Attendance Type keyword resolves as the Absentee Description, not the Absentee Code.N/A192943
TASS.web > Utilities.webTASS Software UpdateAdditional error checking on reload of application after upgrade to ensure the server is ready to load TASS.MAC02192750
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