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v54 What's New & Corrections

This page contains the release notes for software updates completed in Version 54 in 2021.


Release DateSep 14th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Community PlusSetup InformationEnhancement to the Name Token Grid in Community for performance improvements.N/A193325


Release DateSep 9th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Community PlusSetup InformationIntroduction of the Name Tokens Grid program to allow for bulk updating name tokens on community records where there is missing data. This tool allows for bulk updating of information that's required to be fixed in preparation for Version 55. This program will only appear where there is data that requires attention.PEA01193243






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webElectronic Receipts ProcessingCorrection to ensure the program uses the correct data type when generating the report.KIN01193267
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)PRSCorrection to community records to set the Preferred Name token to the First Name when the First Name is populated.N/A193229
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)PRS

Correction to Community to remove person numbers where the person number meets ALL of the following conditions:

  • Person First Name is BLANK or NULL
  • Person Preferred Name is BLANK or NULL
  • Person Surname is BLANK or NULL
  • Person Display is BLANK or NULL

This PRS repairs invalid Community data.



Release DateAug 26th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Community PlusSetup InformationEnhancement to the 'Critical Data Issues' report generated from Check Community Data to include parents who have no gender recorded at all.N/A192859
TASS.web > Community PlusSetup InformationEnhancement to the 'Critical Data Issues' report generated from Check Community Data to include records of Past Students, Teachers, Employees, Donors, Parents and Enrolled Parents who have no name tokens.N/A192860
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardEnhancement to allow split web payments in the Bank Account Dashboard.CEN01192714
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Service Level AgreementEnhancement to provide a new version of the Service Level Agreement (SLA).N/A192964
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Software Licence AgreementEnhancement to provide a new version of the End User Licence Agreement (EULA).N/A192963
Staff Kiosk > TeacherMeetings/CommunicationsEnhancement to the handling of teacher SMS data to cater for situations where a teacher has two mobile numbers separated by a semi-colon without throwing an error.STA06a192647






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure that the Generate Student Reports program displays results for activities when using archived data from a previous year in a non-unitised timetable.MOR02192338
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsSchool Fees AccountCorrection to prevent the creation of Payment Schedules with a first instalment date later than 'Latest Date of First Installment'.MER01192871
TASS.web > APIAPI Gateway MaintenanceCorrection to the PDF Conversion API to ensure that it performs a status check.MOR02193076
TASS.web > APIIdM API > setEmployeeCorrection to the IdM API to ensure that optional fields are truly optional and are not overwritten with '' instead of being left as is.TOO02193084
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolment Details ListingCorrection to the underlying logic to ensure that emails are sent when there is greater than 1000 students.MEN01193085
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webGenerate Bank FileCorrection to ensure that amounts are rounded before comparison to prevent false-negative results.TAR03193233
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave / Other ApplicationsCorrection to ensure that the program does not have a default value selected for the Date Range.GEN01192826


Release DateJul 28th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Census (Aus)Enhancement to export indigenous students and employees with a value of 'I' instead of 'Y'.AUT193063






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > APILISS APICorrection to prevent oops error when saving credentials for the LISS API via the front end.CAR02193038
TASS.web > Attendance.webBulk Absentee EntryCorrection to ensure students marked as 'Early Departure' produce a 'View Conflicts' link warning when marked as 'Absent for Afternoon'.CEO01192866
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployeesCorrection to Main Activity option on Employee record. 'Administrative and Clerical' changed to 'Administration and clerical'.AUT193029
TASS.web > General Ledger.webYear End CloseCorrection to the Year End Close function in Special Processes to ensure the journal entry is created and the general ledger updated without error.CEO01192966
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Census (Aus)Correction to only display the warning message on the General Tab and the report output when one or more students who are current on the nominated date do not have a residency status.CON01192410
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Student Attend. – STATS (Aus)Correction to ensure all School Dates resolve correctly when daylight savings begins or ends during the period of the return.MAI02192988
TASS.web > Utilities.webData Upload UtilityCorrection to ensure that the Data Upload Utility processes Employee name suffixes without error.PIT01193060


Release DateJul 13th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Employee/HREmployeesEnhancement to the add employee logic to ensure that passwords are hashed correctly irrespective of whether or not payroll is enabled.RED20192809
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsEnhancement to allow users without account responsibility to edit non-payment related fields.LAK02192679






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure that academic reports are printed correctly when there are multiple objectives in the same objective group having an objective code starting with 0E.LAK03192936
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents & PaymentsCorrection to enable parents who have already accepted a place on an event to accept and pay for additional options for their students after the event is full.BIS02192990
Attendance Self Registration > Attendance Self RegistrationAttendance Self RegistrationCorrection to Attendance Self Registration program to prevent an error from generating when entering a late for school where an absent from class exists later in the day.ROC01192713
TASS.web > Attendance.webBulk Absentee EntryCorrection to Bulk Absentee Entry program to prevent an error occurring when an attendance message greater than 2000 characters is used.IPS02192626
TASS.web > Attendance.webGenerate/Send SMS NotificationsCorrection to the Communication Log to ensure that SMSs are not removed when student absence records are.GLE02192707
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployee Grid EntryCorrection to the Employee Grid Entry to ensure that the email field is pulled from the teacher record when the employee is a teacher.STM06192570
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployeesIntroduction of new validation to prevent the entry of an employee code where it already exists as a teacher code.MOR02192746
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolmentsCorrection to fix an error caused when enrolling a student using a parent already set up in another company.SWA04192980
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsCorrection to Events & Payments program to send a notification to users with the Approve Event permissions when an event is created.TAM01192715
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents & PaymentsCorrection to ensure editing the Nett price field of paid events having tax percentages set in the General Ledger updates the Total price field and displays properly.N/A192930
Parent Lounge > Home PageAcademic ReportsCorrection to the Academic Reports left menu item to ensure that links work correctly.COL01192981
Staff Kiosk > LMSLMS AssessmentCorrection to resolve errors when a user attempts to print the assessment grid for all activities.STP09192490
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC Entries (Lists/Emails)Correction to Pastoral Care emails to ensure that the 'Conduct' keyword resolves correctly instead of displaying 'This semester'.MUE01192718
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC Entries (Lists/Emails)Correction to prevent a workflow error in generating email lists when the Parent Contacted field is set to 'No'.MUE01192985
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection that enables the Learning support notification to be displayed correctly on the 'Class Rollcall' screen to Teachers with the 'All Support Plans' permission when information in the Student's Class Plan is incomplete.STA08192625
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Student Illness/Daily LogCorrection to ensure that the 'Students in Sickbay Today' program does not include non-current students.AUS02192730
Staff Kiosk > TeacherRequisitionsCorrection to the permissions logic to prevent unauthorised access to requisitions.GRE01192919
TASS.web > Utilities.webChange Logs GridFixed the 'Mobile 1' field in the Change Log Grid from displaying 'Mobile 2' data.MAR02192727
TASS.web > Utilities.webInspired Integration APICorrection to getAssetRegister endpoint fields (physical_location_text, physical_location_code) so that they return the physical location correctly.INS01192922


Release DateJun 23rd, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > StudentStudent Attend. - STATS (Aus)Enhancement to update the STATS export to remove the ReportingAuthorityCommonwealthId field from the XML format.N/A192615






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Enrolments.webTransfer to CurrentCorrection to ensure that enrolments are able to be transferred into all Reference Year Groups (including the new -4 & -5 year groups) using the 'Transfer to Current' program.RED08192861
Staff Kiosk > ListingsAcademic Results - Student ProfileCorrection to ensure the Academic Results - Student Profile loads correctly if there are students with negative year groups (including the new -4 & -5 year groups).RED15192889
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC Entries (Lists/Emails)Correction to allow emails to be sent in the pastoral care area when the 'Update Parent Contacted' is selected.WAV01192726


Release DateJun 8th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > APIStudent Details APIEnhancement to the getStudentDetails endpoint to add an additional field in returned data of 'Multiparenting Arrangement Flag'.N/A192620
Staff Kiosk > EventsEventsEnhancement to allow the addition of students to an Event using 'Bulk Assign' when the status of the Event is Draft or Outstanding. Similarly, allow the deletion of a student from an Event when the Event status is Draft or Outstanding.N/A192642
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webGenerate Banking FileEnhancement to introduce new 'Adjust Direct Debit Amount by Net Charges/Credits' option. When used, a new review screen will be displayed which includes the Adjusted Direct Debit Amount prior to generating the Banking File.N/A192688
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPrint ReceiptsAn enhancement to the 'Deliver via email where possible' option which emails receipts to individual parent email addresses where previously Email 1 and Email 2 on the record were the recipients in the 'To' field.N/A192645
Parent Lounge > Parent DetailsAddress DetailsEnhancement to stop Parent Lounge users from saving semicolons to the front of emails when updating their details.N/A192756
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)AttendanceEnhancement to remove the 'Acceptable' column and Exclude Acceptable Absences check box from the Student Attendance page in Parent Lounge.SCO02151694
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)VariousCorrection to display menu headings on Parent Lounge and Student Cafe when in mobile mode.N/A192585
TASS.web > Utilities.webAudit Logs GridCorrection to the Audit Logs Grid to resolve an identified security issue.SUN01192764
TASS.web > Utilities.webChange Logs GridCorrection to the Change Logs Grid to resolve an identified security issue.SUN01192765






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > APIIDM APIEnhancement to allow the setParents method to create SFA records without an SFA record previously existing.NUD01192572
TASS.web > Enrolments.webOnline Enrolment ApplicationsCorrection to prevent the search/create modal from appearing when a person exists in the parent 1 & parent 2 fields on the General tab.ORM01192407
Staff Kiosk > EventsEventsCorrection to update the accepted Status of declined options from 'D' to 'Y' (Accepted) when they have payments or pending payments and the student status for the Event has been changed to Accepted.N/A192663
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to ensure that options created for an Event that have a GL account with a 0% tax code, GST is not calculated at the Event rate when being established.CAL03192653
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsFix to ensure that when an Event includes a chargeable option the user is not able to remove the GL account from the event edit modal.RIV01192695
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsChanges to allow the GST field to be edited when creating an Event.TOO02192775
Staff Kiosk > Extra CurricularSports PortalCorrection to the attachment link to prevent error from occurring when selecting a valid UD attachment.TOO02192669
Staff Kiosk > ListingsMy Saved ListsCorrection to prevent error when deleting a saved list that is based on a class list.DAL01192685
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesCorrection to ensure the correct email template being sent out to the recipients of emails triggered by the creation of Pastoral Care entries.WAV01192697
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesEnhancement to perform a permission check against the Conduct when loading the Pastoral Care Entry screen via a deep link to prevent those without the correct permissions from seeing the comments and details of Pastoral Care records.KNO01192792
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Communication Rules ListingCorrection to the Communication Rules Listing to prevent error if there is an email with a leading or trailing semicolon.CEO01192711
TASS.web > Utilities.webIDM APIUpdate to getParents method to display the "email2" field regardless of the parent having a SFA record defined against them. Added "email1" as a key for consistency across SFA and nuclear records.TOO02192790
TASS.web > General Ledger.webPost JournalsCorrection to the Post Journals program to optimise the load time. STH01192773


Release DateMay 17th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to the Events and Payments landing page to sort the teachers by Surname in ascending order (in the Teacher filter).N/A192492
Staff Kiosk > EventsStudentsA hover message is displayed on disabled options when accepting a student in Staff Kiosk.N/A192555
TASS.web > General Ledger.webGeneral Ledger SetupEnhancements to the Parameters tab to add a new field 'Auto Post Sub-Ledger Journals'.N/A192467
TASS.web > General Ledger.webPost JournalsThe drilldown on the General tab will display the list of out of balance journals are displayed (instead of the Search screen).N/A192468
TASS.web > General Ledger.webPost JournalsEnhancement to cater for automatic posting of Journals created by the 6 X Sub-Ledger posting programs.N/A192469
TASS.web > General Ledger.webPost JournalsEnhancement to the General tab screen to include a new column 'Sub-Ledgers requiring Posting' to display the Sub-Ledgers with unposted transactions including a link to access the Module posting program (if user has permission).N/A192470
TASS.web > General Ledger.webPost JournalsEnhancements to the General tab to include 2 new buttons/icons at the top when Auto Post Sub-Ledger Journals is enabled ('Auto Posting Log' and 'Auto Posting Error')N/A192548
TASS.web > Parents.webParent Records SetupEnhancement to the 'School' tab to allow the Minimum Year Group to be -5.INS01192592
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Records SetupNew Reference Year Group values -4 and -5 added to the Student Records tab.INS01192593
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceNew 'Inspired Integration' API available as a Licence.INS01192517
TASS.web > Utilities.webInspired Integration APINew private 'Inspired Integration' API which includes the following endpoints: - getAssetAdditions - getAssetRegister - getParentAccountBalancesINS01192518
TASS.web > Utilities.webTASS LicencingAddition of Inspired Integration API (API24) to Licencing Modules.INS01192595






IMS Ref.

Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to update the Accepted Number column when there are parents who've accepted options. Previously, when Options were accepted for a student in Parent Lounge for unpaid options which have not been processed as part of a payment, the Number Accepted did not display the correct number of acceptances.N/A192496
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to ensure that the 'Auto Hide Declined' check box only hides declined events, not accepted ones in Parent Lounge.N/A192604
TASS.web > Attendance.webGenerate/Send SMS NotificationsCorrection to ensure the screen refreshes with the filtering options originally selected after deleting an SMS notification. Previously, the 'Absent from School' filter was being applied despite that not being selected by the user.CHA03192431
Staff Kiosk > CalendarStudent Appointment LogCorrection to ensure that when a user edits an existing Student Appointment an error does not occur by verifying the correct code and field type is used.ROC01192589
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsAllow users to click on any part of the field to edit the price when creating a new event.N/A192580
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and Payments > StudentsGrey out non-active event options in the student details modal, making them unselectable so a student cannot be accepted for an option where it's not active in that event.N/A192527
Staff Kiosk > EventsParameters (Setup)Update the 'Terms & Conditions Acknowledgement Text' default value from 'Excursion/Tour' to 'Event'.N/A192605
Staff Kiosk > Home PageStudent SearchResolve an Oops! error when searching for a student that's in a year group without a Timetable Year/TT Definitions.MAC02192684
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection to allow Absent from School to be updated to Late for School in Roll Call when parameters are configured to do so.AUT192665
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Reporting SetupCorrection to the order of the drop down of valid results on the LMS Assessment Activity to display the order of Assessment Methods in Academic Reporting setup. Previously, it would display alphabetically.GRE01192576
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)StudentsCorrection to allow subject date range to be saved in Edit mode where the Subject Code is long.COO01192694


Release DateMay 6th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webChequesSet the default bank to that of the bank that is defined on the suppliers 'Payment Info' tab of their account.CEN01192428
TASS.web > General Ledger.webGeneral Ledger Setup

The Bank Accounts modal screen now applies validations to the Bank Feed field. These enhancements will:

  • Prevent changing from Enabled to Not Enabled where statement transactions have been uploaded and matched and
  • Provide a warning when changing from Enabled to Not Enabled where statement transactions have been uploaded but not matched: if the change proceeds, the statement transactions will be deleted (as per the warning)
TASS.web > General Ledger.webJournalsDisplay 'All' open General Ledger periods when using the 'Recur' function. Previously, the user was asked to 'Enter Year for recurring' and to 'Display Periods'.NAM01191307
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Tours/ExcursionsTours Excursions has been renamed in various areas of Parent Lounge to Events & Payments or Events where appropriate.N/A192088
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesFunded Enhancement to enable automatic notifications to be sent to Department Heads / Administrators and Individual Employees.WAV01192471
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC Entries (Lists/Emails)Funded Enhancement to the PC Entries (Lists/Emails) and My Saved Lists to use the new 'PC Entered By' keyword for 'Pastoral Care Keywords' in the Pastoral Care email template.MUE01192522
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CareTypes (Setup)Funded Enhancement to enable automatic notifications to be sent to Department Heads / Administrators and Individual Employees.WAV01192515
TASS.web > StudentSCSA Processing (WA) > Estimate: VET Qualification (ESQUAL)Enhancement to remove the validation logic of the Surname and Given Name columns as these are not editable fields. Currently, when the Given Name is longer than 30 characters, the user receives a validation error on the grid.N/A192503
TASS.web > StudentVASS Processing (Vic)Enhancement to remove the validation logic of the Surname and Given Name columns as these are not editable fields. Currently, when the Given Name is longer than 30 characters, the user receives a validation error on the grid.N/A192504
Staff Kiosk > ToursEvents and PaymentsThe filters and sorting options applied to the grid are retained after an action is performed e.g. editing an Event.N/A192493
Staff Kiosk > ToursTours/ExcursionsA new report runtime option to 'Include Parent Comments' is available. This will include any comments added at the 'Event' level and comments added to 'Options'.N/A192445
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsFunded Enhancement to the Pastoral Care email template to include 'PC Entered By' as a keyword for 'Pastoral Care Keywords' which translates to the Teacher Name.MUE01192482
TASS.web > Utilities.webScheduled TaskEnhancement to the Microsoft SDS CSV files (section.csv, teacherroster.csv, and studentenrollment.csv) to take into account Subjects that have the Include in Data Sync flag set to Yes and exclude those marked as No.N/A192611






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolmentsCorrection to the Enrolment search screen to resolve an Oops! error when the user does not have Parent permission points.INT01192432
TASS.web > Extra Curricular.webActivity GroupsCorrection to show the correct options for 'Activity Group' and 'Team/Level' including the option of unallocated when adding a student to an activity.HEI01192622
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank ReconciliationCorrection for total of selected receipts/credits equals the bank transaction upload amount that you are reconciling against does not display "Out of balance -$0.00" and prevent you from saving the reconciliation.CAN001192618
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalTours / Excursions (Maintain)When editing an Event, the 'Amount Paid' will include the total amount received for the Event and the Options. Previously, only money received from the Event was included in the total.SPR01171428
Staff Kiosk > ListingsMy Saved ListsEnhancements to My Saved Lists when generating a list of Students or SMS or Alerts when filtering on relative date inputs, single and range, as well as Age filters. - Student Details (Lists/Emails) - PC Entries (Lists/Emails) - Student Absences (Lists/Emails) - Class List / Emails - Student Notes Lists/EmailsMAR02192614
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webBPay Receipts ProcessingCorrection to the BPay upload file to ensure the total figure is calculated correctly for NAB files. The NAB upload substitutes alpha characters in the total balancing figure; a conversion chart has been implemented which is used before calculating the check sum calculation.CAM01192596
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Events/PaymentsCorrection to prevent students being displayed when they have a date of leaving that is less than today by a number of days greater than the number in Parent Lounge Setup. Previously, the user was prompted to log in when hovering over a medical/comment for these students.N/A192398
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupCorrection to ensure 'Online Timesheet Parameters' are not cleared out after 'Restore Pay Run' is run.TOO02192280
TASS.web > StudentMCEECDYA Grid (Aus)Enhancement to remove the validation logic of the Surname and Given Name columns as these are not editable fields. Currently, when the Given Name is longer than 30 characters, the user receives a validation error on the grid.N/A192498
TASS.web > StudentNESA GridEnhancement to remove the validation logic of the Surname and Given Name columns as these are not editable fields. Currently, when the Given Name is longer than 30 characters, the user receives a validation error on the grid.N/A192499
TASS.web > StudentRYPS Grid (Qld)Enhancement to remove the validation logic of the Surname and Given Name columns as these are not editable fields. Currently, when the Given Name is longer than 30 characters, the user receives a validation error on the grid.N/A192500
TASS.web > StudentSCSA Processing (WA) > Student Registration Details Data Grid / ExportEnhancement to remove the validation logic of the Surname and Given Name columns as these are not editable fields. Currently, when the Given Name is longer than 30 characters, the user receives a validation error on the grid.N/A192502
TASS.web > StudentStudent Enrolments GridEnhancement to remove the validation logic of the Surname and Given Name columns as these are not editable fields. Currently, when the Given Name is longer than 30 characters, the user receives a validation error on the grid.N/A192495
TASS.web > StudentStudent Subject Grid EntryEnhancement to remove the validation logic of the Surname and Given Name columns as these are not editable fields. Currently, when the Given Name is longer than 30 characters, the user receives a validation error on the grid.N/A192472
TASS.web > StudentStudent UD Areas Grid EntryEnhancement to remove the validation logic of the Surname and Given Name columns as these are not editable fields. Currently, when the Given Name is longer than 30 characters, the user receives a validation error on the grid.N/A192497
TASS.web > StudentTASC Grid (Tas)Enhancement to remove the validation logic of the Surname and Given Name columns as these are not editable fields. Currently, when the Given Name is longer than 30 characters, the user receives a validation error on the grid.N/A192501
Staff Kiosk > ToursEventsCorrection to ensure the status is retained after receiving a validation error e.g. if a Student has been Declined and an attempt is made to change the status to Accepted and on save a validation occurs: "[student] has Payments or Pending Payments for this tour. Unable to change status." Previously, the dialog would display as Accepted and saving the record would update the status to Accepted. Now, the status will reset to the saved value.N/A192483
Staff Kiosk > ToursEvents & PaymentsCorrection to Bulk Assign Students where inviting additional students to an event would set the status of all students (except where there is a payment) to Invited. Existing student status it to be retained.STJ11192664
Staff Kiosk > ToursEvents and PaymentsCorrection to add validation when Approving an Event and choosing 'Add a School Calendar Event for this Event' to ensure 'Events > Parameters (Setup) > Event Category' has been defined.STJ11192586
Staff Kiosk > ToursTours/Excursions (View)Correction to the 'Number Accepted' column in 'Options' to ensure the total is reflected correctly if options have been accepted.MTS01192425
Staff Kiosk > ToursTours/Excursions Calendar FeedEvents that had the "Add a School Calendar Event for this Event" box will no longer display as All Day events in the Teachers 'My Calendar' program. The event will only be shown for the event time e.g. 11:00am - 12:00pm.N/A192376


Release DateApr 27th, 2021






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPrint ReceiptsA correction has been applied where additional pages were included in a Parent Account Fee Receipt when delivered via email.MAI01192629


Release DateApr 9th, 2021

What's New?





IMS Ref.

Accounts Payable.webEmail EP RemittancesEnhancements have been made to use the new system email template, 'Electronic Payment Remittance', to send the 'EP Remittance Advice' emails.MIS01192005
APIOnline Enrolments APIEnhancements have been made to the Online Enrolments API to add "USI" to the setEnrolments and setEnrolledStudents endpoints as an optional field.MIS01192116
Attendance Self RegistrationLoginEnhancements have been made to the 'Attendance Self Registration' and 'Illness Self Registration' student login screen to allow for a 100 character limit on the password field.ISL02190404
Attendance.webAttendance SetupEnhancements have been made to the 'Absentee Reasons' and 'Absentee Types' tabs to allow types and reasons to be flagged for use within the 'Unexplained Absences Reminder' email workflow.MIS01189456
Enrolments.webOnline Enrolment ApplicationsEnhancements have been made to the Online Enrolments API to include the "USI" field when creating an Enrolled Student record.MIS01192141
General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardEnhancements have been made to include a new 'Search Cash Book Transactions' modal screen invoked from the Reconcile Statement Transactions screen which will:
- Find and select one or more Cash Book transactions (including cheques) when reconciling a Statement Transaction.
- Include a facility to split specific deposit types.
General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardEnhancements have been made to the 'Search Cash Book Transactions' modal in the 'Reconcile Statement Transactions' screen to include a new 'Split Deposit' option which can split specific Received / Credit deposit types.MIS01192133
General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardEnhancements have been made to the 'Upload Statement Transactions' screen and 'Reconcile Statement Transactions' screen to include an additional validation where the Bank setup is incomplete.MIS01192165
General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardEnhancements have been made which provide a new program for uploading bank statement transactions (from a CSV file) for Bank Accounts.MIS01191966
General Ledger.webBank ReconciliationEnhancements have been made to the 'Rollback' option to prevent the Rollback where the selected Bank has Bank Feeds enabled and the last completed Bank Reconciliation was done prior to Bank Feeds being enabled.MIS01192134
General Ledger.webGeneral Ledger SetupEnhancements have been made to the Bank Accounts modal to apply validations in add and edit mode for the 'Last Statement Details'. These include; disabling fields when Bank Reconciliations have been completed and making certain fields mandatory.MIS01192164
General Ledger.webReconcile Statement TransactionsEnhancements have been made to include a new program for reconciling uploaded bank statement transactions for Bank Accounts. Includes:
- Display of uploaded transactions.
- "Matched" cash book transaction.
- Ability to search for cash book transactions for reconciling.
- Auto matching suggestions and the option to complete a Bank Reconciliation.
ListingsClass List/EmailsEnhancements have been made which introduce the ability to use 'Relative Dates' when generating 'Class List/Emails'.MIS01191933
ListingsLearning SupportEnhancements have been made which introduce the ability to use 'Relative Dates' when generating an 'Adjustment List'.MIS01192010
ListingsLearning SupportEnhancements have been made which introduce the ability to use 'Relative Dates' when generating an 'Adjustment Evidence List'.MIS01192008
ListingsLearning SupportEnhancements have been made which introduce the ability to use 'Relative Dates' when generating a 'Class Plans List'.MIS01192007
ListingsLearning SupportEnhancements have been made which introduce the ability to use 'Relative Dates' when generating a 'Support Plans List'.MIS01192009
ListingsMy Saved ListsEnhancements have been made to introduce scheduling to the 'My Saved Lists' program.MIS01191917
ListingsMy Saved ListsEnhancements have been made which introduce a new 'Schedules' column to the grid which indicates the number of schedules that have been configured for each report. Additionally, all user actions are now consolidated into a new hamburger menu.MIS01191972
ListingsStudent Absences (Lists/Emails)Enhancements have been made which introduce the ability to use 'Relative Dates' when generating 'Student Absences (Lists/Emails)'.MIS01191936
ListingsStudent Details (Lists/Emails)Enhancements have been made which introduce the ability to use 'Relative Dates' when generating 'Student Details (Lists/Emails)'.MIS01191962
ListingsStudent Notes (Lists/Emails)Enhancements have been made which introduce the ability to use 'Relative Dates' when generating lists and emails.MIS01191937
Medical.webImmunisations Summary/ListingsAn enhancement has been made to the 'Immunisations Summary/Listings' Grid screen to include a new 'Generate Emails' button to generate emails to the parents in the Grid.

The email process allows selection of an email template from the 'Student Immunisations' category (these are setup in the 'Email Settings' program) and the emails are logged in the Parent Communication Log.
Medical.webImmunisations Summary/ListingsEnhancements have been made to store a copy of the generated PDF in the communication log when an email is created using an email template that includes a Word Merge file.MIS01191359
Medical.webImmunisations Summary/ListingsEnhancements have been made to the 'Immunisation Register' alerts to display a list of students on a list screen which will enable reports and emails to be generated.MIS01190171
Medical.webStudent MedicalAn enhancement has been made to the behaviour of the 'No Immunisation Register' alert icon to load the 'Medical Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Immunisations Summary/Listings - Immunisation Register List' screen when clicked.

The screen will be loaded with the 'No Immunisation Register' option selected by default.
Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesEnhancements have been made to the 'Print' tab to introduce a new section, 'Instalment Amount Due Options', with options to separate 'Building Fund Amounts' and 'Surcharge Levies' which will subsequently change the 'Opening Balance' and 'Instalments Due' columns in the report.MAR02190778
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsSchool Fees AccountAn enhancement has been made to the way payments are processed via School Easypay API.N/A192274
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Events and PaymentsAn enhancement has been made to withdraw a student's invitation to an event when they have been deleted from staff kiosk.N/A192326
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)School Fees AccountAn enhancement has been made that resolves an issue of incorrectly including a payment method in a parent account, when a new payment method was being added in Parent Lounge.N/A192282
Parent Lounge (Portal)Parent Teacher InterviewsEnhancements have been made to update the email template that is used when a parent cancels an appointment. A record will also appear in the teacher's communication log.MIS01190678
Parents.webParent Lounge LicencesEnhancements have been made to store a copy of the generated PDF in the communication log when an email is created using an email template that includes a Word Merge file.MIS01191352
Parents.webParentsEnhancements have been made to the search and navigation functionality to facilitate an improved user experience when searching and navigating the Parent Details screen.KNO01191946
Pastoral CarePC Entries (Lists/Emails)Enhancements have been made to store a copy of the generated PDF in the communication log when an email is created using an email template that includes a Word Merge file.MIS01191346
Pastoral CarePC Entries (Lists/Emails)Enhancements have been made which introduce the ability to use 'Relative Dates' when generating a 'PC Entries (Lists/Emails)' report.MIS01191892
Payroll/HRStaff TimesheetsAn enhancement has been made to the 'Date' column to include the day of week e.g. Mon 14/12/2020.ABB01192104
Staff Kiosk > CalendarAppointment Parameters (Setup)An enhancement has been made to include a new program for maintaining various parameters for the Student Appointment Self Registration portal.N/A192144
Staff Kiosk > CalendarAppointment Parameters (Setup)An enhancement has been made to include two new fields 'Contact Name' and 'Contact Email' to the 'Appointment Parameters (Setup)' program. Staff can use these to set the staff contact details for appointments that students log in the 'Student Appointment Self Registration' portal.N/A192212
Staff Kiosk > CalendarAppointment Types (Setup)An enhancement has been made to include a new function 'Appointment Types (Setup)', in which staff can create and maintain 'Appointment Types' in the 'Student Appointment Self Registration' and the 'Appointment Log' functions.N/A192145
Staff Kiosk > CalendarStudent Appointment Log

An enhancement has been made to include a 'Student Appointment Log' and a student 'Self Registration Portal' in which, students can create appointments with these details:

  • Student Appointment Date/Time
  • Appointment Type
  • Student Comment
  • Appointment Notes and Confidential Notes
  • Attachments
  • Arrival and Checkout Date/Time
Staff Kiosk > CalendarStudent Appointment LogAn enhancement has been made to the 'Student Appointment Log', which enables staff to view, maintain and print a list of student appointments.N/A192158
Staff Kiosk > Home PageGeneralAn enhancement has been made that enables finding students by their 'Preferred Surname' in the 'Student Search'.N/A192263
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HRAn enhancement has been made to include a new 'Break' field in the 'Timesheet Entry Details' screen. It will be mandatory for staff to enter an amount in minutes (0 or greater).N/A192181
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HRAn enhancement has been made to include a new column 'Break' between 'Finish Time' and 'Hours / Qty' in 'Timesheets'.N/A192179
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HREnhancements to the Timesheet Entry modal screen to conditionally make the Quantity field editable where the Maximum Quantity on the setup record is greater than 1.N/A192177
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRStaff TimesheetsAn enhancement has been made to include a new 'Break' column between 'Finish Time' and 'Hours / Qty' in the 'Timesheet Entries Change Log'.N/A192183
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRStaff TimesheetsAn enhancement has been made to include a new column 'Break' column between 'Finish Time' and 'Hours / Qty' in the grid section of the 'Timesheet Entries' screen.N/A192182
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallAn enhancement has been made to include a new alert/notification for students who have Events & Payments and eDiary Events that clash with this Lesson's times.N/A190893
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallAn enhancement has been made to include a new Appointment alert for students with an appointment that time clashes with the lesson time.N/A192387
Staff Kiosk > RollcallRollcallAn enhancement has been made to display the 'Student Surname Display Preference' in the 'Class Rollcall' screen in both 'Grid' and 'List' view, and in the 'Detailed Entry' screen.N/A192261
Staff Kiosk > Student DetailsStudent ProfileAn enhancement has been made to display a student's 'Preferred Surname' in the 'General Details' section on the student profile.N/A192260
Staff Kiosk > Student DetailsStudent ProfileAn enhancement has been made to the 'Currently' indicator to display the Student in an appointment if the Student has checked in.N/A192162
Staff Kiosk > TeacherRequisitions

Update the existing purchase requisition emails to use the new Purchase Requisition email templates in 'Email Settings' to allow customisation and use email logging. This includes emails sent to:

  • First Approvers when a new requisition has been raised
  • Approvers when a requisition has been cancelled by the Raiser
  • Approvers when a requisition has been rejected by an Approver
  • Approvers when a requisition has been updated by the Raiser
  • Raiser when a requisition has been rejected by an Approver
  • Raiser when a requisition has been approved by the Final Approver
  • Raiser when a requisition has been approved by an interim Approver
  • Purchasing Contact when a requisition has been approved by the Final Approver
  • Next Approver when a requisition has been approved by an interim Approver
Staff Kiosk > ToursEventsAn enhancement has been made to remove the Email button on the Mail Merge Options dialog.N/A192300
Staff Kiosk > ToursEvents and PaymentsAn enhancement has been made to enable to removal of a student from an event while the student's event status is 'Accepted'.N/A192259
Staff Kiosk > ToursEvents and Payments

An enhancement has been made to include in the Events and Payments Print Options screen, these options:

  • Export
  • Sort
  • Selection Criteria (Event Status)
  • Optional Content e.g. Event Options
  • Given Name format
Staff Kiosk > ToursEvents and PaymentsNew UI for the Events and Payments modal which includes Event details, Parent Lounge options and Event cost.N/A192109
Staff Kiosk > ToursTours/ExcursionsEnhancements have been made which provide a new 'Costings' modal.N/A192035
Student DetailsStudent ProfileAn enhancement has been made to to the 'Communication Log' grid to display the name of users who generate PTI SMS messages from TASS.web.MIS01190722
Student DetailsStudent ProfileEnhancements have been made to the 'Email Details' screen accessed from the Communication Log left menu (or 'See All' screen), to display email attachments. The attachments displayed on this screen will include the PDF documents generated by Word Merge files included in the Email Templates.MIS01191303
Student.webStudent Records SetupEnhancements have been made to the Subject record to include a new field: 'Include in Data Sync'. By default, this field will be set to Yes.MIS01192168
Student.webStudentsAn enhancement has been made to improve the position of the 'Date of Entry' field on the 'General' tab.
Note: This only affects schools who have a 'Company' located in SA (South Australia).
Student.webStudentsEnhancements have been made to facilitate an improved user experience when searching and navigating using the 'Student Details' screen. The new entity search system, accessible at the top-right of the program, is sticky and while focused initially on the record that is loaded, it allows the user to quickly switch between students using the new search results modal.KNO01191893
Student.webStudentsEnhancements have been made which will display email attachments, recipient details, and the resolved value of email keywords in the 'Email Details' on the 'Communication Log' tab. The attachments displayed in this screen will include the PDF documents generated by Word Merge Files included in Email Templates.KEN01191228
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webCopy Data To ArchiveEnhancement to include the new 'Include in Data Sync' field in the Academic Reporting 'Copy Data to Archive' process.N/A192189
TASS.web > APIEdumate to TASS APIAn enhancement has been made which keeps the 'Parent Type' setting when a 'Parent Record' is updated via the Edumate to TASS API.N/A192234
TASS.web > APILMS Integration API

An enhancement has been made to the LMS Integration API to the getTeachers endpoint to include:

  • First Name (from Employee Record)
  • Other Names (from Employee Record)
  • Preferred Name (from Employee Record)
  • Teacher Name (from Teacher Record)
TASS.web > APIOnline Enrolments APIAn enhancement has been made to the setEnrolledStudents endpoint to validate and allow all genders for the "sex" key as long as they are defined in Community > Setup Information > Genders Setup.N/A192356
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardAn enhancement has been made that allows the bank statement date on the 'Reconcile Statement Transactions' screen to be the same or later by 7 days when an Accounts Payable EP run is completed.N/A192236
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployeesEnhancements to the 'Online Timesheet Details' modal screen (on Permanent Pays tab > Online Timesheets panel) to conditionally display a new 'Maximum Quantity' field. This occurs when the 'Rate Code' is a 'Fixed Amount'.N/A192176
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployeesEnhancements to the 'Print' option on the Employee List screen where the 'Print Online Timesheet Details' option is ticked. The 'Max Qty' will be included on the Excel report.N/A192178
TASS.web > Payroll.webOnline Timesheet RulesAn enhancement has been made to include a 'Minimum Break' duration on the 'Online Timesheet Rules Print' (Detailed mode). A new 'Minimum Break' column accepts values from 0.00 to 24.00 and validation ensures that either 'Paid Hours' or 'Minimum Break' or both have been populated.N/A192101
TASS.web > Payroll.webSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingAn enhancement has been made to remove the restriction preventing $0.00 allowances for JobKeeper and JobMaker from being reported in 'Single Touch Payroll Processing' events.N/A184469
TASS.web > Payroll.webTimesheetsAn enhancement has been made to disable the new 'Import Leave Timesheets' icon in the 'Timesheets' program when an employee is flagged as 'Terminated'.N/A192231
TASS.web > StudentAppointment Self Registration

An enhancement has been made to include a new 'Appointment Self Registration' portal (broadly similar to Illness Self Registration portal). With this new tool students can:

  • Enter appointment details
  • Log their arrival and checkout for an appointment.
TASS.web > StudentNAPLAN Data Extract (Aus)An enhancement has been made to include the FFPOS (Full Fee Paying Student) field in the 'QSA Upload (QLD)' in the NAPLAN Data Extract.N/A192327
TASS.web > StudentStudent Records Setup

An enhancement has been made to include a new 'Student Surname Display Preference' parameter.

The options available will be: 'Surname', 'Preferred Surname' and 'Surname (Preferred Surname)'.

TASS.web > Student.webSES Export (Aus)

An enhancement has been made to the SES Extract to meet the 2021 requirements including:

  • Gender Fluidity (parents must now be linked to addresses by their 'Person Position' instead of their gender)
  • New saved configuration facility
  • New location details tab
  • XML output file
TASS.web > Student.webSubject GridEnhancements to include the 'Include in Data Sync' on the Process tab, Print tab and the Grid screen when selected on the Print tab.N/A192169
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsAn enhancement has been made to enable the Substitutions Maintenance screen to be launched by clicking on a cell with the status 'On Leave - Empty Class'.N/A192494
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsEnhancements to include a Print option and report on the new Daily Substitutions UI.N/A192188
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsNew 'Teacher Substitutions Details' UI to maintain the Teacher Substitution record.N/A192207
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsNew UI for Class Tasks which caters for multiple Timetables.N/A192222
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsNew UI for the 'Daily Substitutions' program which includes a Grid screen with a day mode, week mode and month highlights. A List view is also available, focusing on Teacher Leave records. The 'Notify All' button will be displayed in 'One Week' view and when the user does not have an email on their user record.N/A191926
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsNew UI for the Notify All button which includes an alert when the user does not have an email address on their account and that notifications cannot be generated in the 'One Week' mode.N/A192228
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsNew UI for the 'Teacher Leave' screen which includes multiple Timetables if the Teacher on leave is Timetabled in more than 1.N/A192208
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily Substitutions

New UI for the 'Teacher Substitutions' screen where substitutions are allocated for a Teacher on leave. This includes:

  • Timetable periods with class details for the Teacher on leave with actions to Clear, Edit, Add and mark Not Required
  • Colour coded cells to indicate the periods that require a substitution, periods that have been substituted and those that don't require a substitution
  • Grid layout displaying a list of Teachers and their Timetable with filters to locate available Teachers: colour coded cells indicate availability to substitute and clicking a cell allocates them as a Substitute for the Teacher on leave
TASS.web > Utilities.webAccounts Payable Integration APIAn enhancement has been made to include a new "override_closed_period" option for the endpoints: "addPOLine" and "editPOLine" to allow updating a PO that is in a closed period.N/A192373
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceAn enhancement has been made to include an 'Enable JSON Logging' option in the TASS API Details screen. This allows the JSON packet in an API request to be captured and stored for auditing and debugging purposes.N/A192273
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway Maintenance

An enhancement has been made that ensures that when a parent record is updated via the Edumate to TASS API, these fields are not updated and they retain what is already set for the parent:

General Tab:

  • Parent Lounge Access
  • Parent Lounge Password Account

Detail tab:

  • Reminder Notice Level
  • Charge Interest
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceAn enhancement has been made to the getParent method in the Identity Management API to return parent details based on parent position rather than parent gender.N/A192266
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceAn enhancement has been made to the TASS API log viewer to allow the JSON packet from the API request to be reviewed (if logging is enabled)N/A192270
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceEnhancement to Online Enrolments API setEnrolment and setEnrolledStudents endpoints to expand student name fields. Student Surname: 50, Given Name: 101 and Preferred Name: 50.N/A192110
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway Maintenance

Enhancements to the 'Microsoft School Data Sync' External API to include new filters for Student.csv and Sections.csv to:

  • Include Timetables
  • Include Student in Year Groups
  • Include Students in Campus Plus, new sections for Guardianrelationship.csv and User.csv Option with exception messages.
TASS.web > Utilities.webEdumate Integration APIAn enhancement has been made to make the parent 'Occupations' optional and to prevent them from being transferred to a parent record via the TASS API.N/A192301
TASS.web > Utilities.webEdumate Integration APIAn enhancement has been made to make the student 'Religion' optional and to prevent them from being transferred to a student record via the TASS API.CHA03192302
TASS.web > Utilities.webLibrary Integration API

An enhancement has been made to the following endpoints to return the campus description (campus.cam_desc) in an array named "campus". Even is there is only one, include "campus" key containing an array for consistency.

v3 endpoints:

  • getEmployee (if teacher, this can be many campuses. for non-teachers this will be an empty array)
  • getEmployees (if teacher, this can be many campuses. for non-teachers this will be an empty array)
  • getStudent (this will be an array of 1 element or an empty array)
  • getStudents (this will be an array of 1 element or an empty array)

v1 endpoints:

  • getUser (for students: this will be an array of 1 element or an empty array. if teacher, this can be many campuses. for non-teachers this will be an empty array)
  • getUsers (for students: this will be an array of 1 element or an empty array. if teacher, this can be many campuses. for non-teachers this will be an empty array)
TASS.web > Utilities.webOnline Enrolments API

An enhancement has been made to add new v3 endpoints to existing v1 and v2 endpoints:

  • getCampuses
  • getEnrolledStudents
  • getEnrolmentSetup
  • getFeederSchools
  • getGenders
  • getLanguages
  • getOccupations
  • getParentUD
  • getParentUDSetup
  • getPreviousConnections
  • getReligions
  • getResidencyStatuses
  • getStudentUD
  • getStudentUDAreaSetup
  • getStudentUDSetup
  • getStudents
  • getYearGroups
  • setEnrolledStudents
  • setEnrolment
  • setEnrolmentReceipts
  • setStudentUDArea
TASS.web > Utilities.webScheduled TaskEnhancement to the Microsoft SDS CSV scheduled task to cater for new .csv files (User and Guardianrelationship) when the parameter is ticked.N/A192186
TASS.web > Utilities.webScheduled TaskEnhancements to the Microsoft SDS CSV scheduled task (section.csv, student.csv and studentenrollment.csv) to cater for the new filters.N/A192206
TeacherLearning SupportEnhancements have been made to allow the inclusion of the Student's Photo in the Support or Class Plan Details report.MIS01191847
TeacherLearning SupportEnhancements have been made to include Student Alert Notifications and a Student Photo in the Support Plan Details and Class Plan Details screens.MIS01191803
TeacherParent Teacher InterviewsEnhancements have been made to the emails generated from Parent Teacher Interviews within TASS.web.

The email process allows selection of an email template from the 'Parent Teacher Interviews' category (these are setup in the 'Email Settings' program) and the emails are logged in the Parent Communication Log.
TeacherParent Teacher InterviewsEnhancements have been made to the 'Generate Emails' screen to allow teachers to select 'Email Templates' and has the ability to include 'Appointment Notes', 'Appointment Note Attachments' and an online meeting link in the emails.MIS01190827
TeacherParent Teacher InterviewsEnhancements have been made which add an 'Online Meeting Link' field to the 'Appointment Review' screen; A text field which will allow teachers to save a URL for an online meeting.MIS01190826
TeacherTeacher DetailsAn enhancement has been made which adds a new security point, 'Scheduled Listings', to 'Teacher Details' in the Portal Security Permissions.MIS01191987
Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesEnhancements have been made which will add a record of Parent Teacher Interview SMS messages (generated from TASS.web) to the communication log.MIS01190685
ToursTours/ExcursionsEnhancements have been made to update the 'Tours and Excursions' name to 'Events and Payments'.MIS01192078
ToursTours/ExcursionsEnhancements have been made which provide a new 'Tours/Excursions Details' screen.MIS01192034
Utilities.webEmail SettingsAn enhancement has been made that disables the 'Word Merge File' field in the 'Email Template Details' screen when the Word Merge feature has not been implemented for that category.MIS01191396
Utilities.webEmail SettingsAn enhancement has been made which adds a new system email template, 'Electronic Payment Remittance', to the 'Accounts Payable' category.MIS01191998
Utilities.webEmail SettingsAn enhancement has been made which adds a new System Email Template for Scheduled Reports (category 'RPTSCH').MIS01191991
Utilities.webEmail SettingsAn enhancement has been made which adds new system email templates for 'Parent Teacher Interviews'.MIS01190588
Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancements have been made to add the 'Accounts Payable' section to the Keywords picklist for Email Templates and System Email Templates tabs.MIS01191997
Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancements have been made to provide nine new email templates for Purchase Requisitions.MIS01191909
Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancements have been made to some Email Template keywords, available in the category 'Parent Teacher Interviews':
- The 'Teacher Kiosk' embedded link keyword has been changed to 'Staff Kiosk', and
- Two new keywords, 'Appointment Note' and 'Join Online Meeting', have been added.
Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancements have been made which add a new 'Purchase Requisitions' section to the keywords picklist for Email Templates and System Email Templates in the Purchase Requisitions Category.MIS01191902
Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancements have been made which add a new 'Scheduled Listings' section to the keywords picklist for Email Templates and System Email Templates in the Scheduled Reports Category.MIS01191990
Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancements have been made which add a new section, 'Parent Teacher Interviews', to the associated Keyword picklists on the 'Email Templates' and 'System Email Templates' tabs.MIS01190587
Utilities.webEmail SettingsEnhancements have been made which add two new sections, 'Immunisation Register' and 'Student Immunisations', to the associated Keyword picklists on the 'Email Templates' and 'System Email Templates' tabs.MIS01190242






IMS Ref.

Academic Reporting.webCopy Data to ArchiveA correction has been made to ensure the 'Copy Data to Archive' result data is archived in the correct order.MAR02190858
APIAPI Gateway MaintenanceA correction has been applied to resolve an issue that occurred when trying to retrieve address data using the getParents method of the IdM API.PRI02191888
Attendance Self RegistrationAttendance Self RegistrationA correction has been applied to resolve an issue where Students' ID photos were not being displayed on the ASR kiosk.LOU01191780
Attendance.webAttendanceA correction has been made to the 'Attendance' screen in Edit mode to ensure that recurring Attendance records load the correct end date by default.HOL01190020
Attendance.webBulk Absentee EntryA correction has been applied to resolve an issue that occurred when viewing conflicts once a large number of student names had been imported into the 'Student Selection Options' screen.ROC01191259
Attendance.webNotifications from Parent LoungeA correction has been applied to allow the user to 'View' the Absentee Notification before choosing to 'Accept' or 'Reject' and be returned to their filtered listing.MTS02a192087
Attendance.webNotifications from Parent LoungeA correction has been applied to change the way 'Absentee Entries', created in Parent Lounge for a weekend date, are processed. A pop-up alert will advise that an absence notification has been received while the ability to approve the entry will be blocked and the following hover-over message will be given 'There are no school days in the student's timetable calendar for this date'.VIL01190848
Attendance.webStudent AttendanceA correction has been applied to the 'Student Attendance' and 'Student Absence Entry' program to resolve an issue where an absence being entered overlaps another Absent From Class entry and is allowed to be saved.KNO01168230
Commercial Debtors.webDebtors Trial BalanceA correction has been made to resolve and issue when running a 'Commercial Debtors Trial Balance' by Customer Type the last customer in the proceeding Customer Type is included in the Total for that Customer Type.IPS01188406
Commercial Debtors PortalStudent Census Data ExtractA correction has been applied to resolve a date validation issue where the Start Date is correctly before the End Date.BRI02189997
Enrolments.webOnline Enrolment ApplicationsA correction has been applied to prevent duplicate submissions of Online Enrolment Applications.MAT01190300
Extra CurricularActivity GroupsA correction has been made to the Extra Curricular signup to ensure that the 500 character limit is correctly validated for the Note field.STJ11190874
Extra Curricular.webActivity GroupsA correction has been applied to resolve an issue that occurred when trying to bulk remove students from an activity.SHE02191100
Extra Curricular.webExtra Curricular SetupA correction has been made to resolve an issue where Extra Curricular Activities were not appearing on the Activities tab 'Print' report where they hadn't been used in a group.MEN01192147
Fundraising.webDonorsA correction has been made to resolve an issue where a Donor record is incorrectly setting the Deceased flag of person 2 based on the flag of person 1.IPS02188497
General Ledger.webCash Flow StatementA correction has been made to how the total amounts for the various outflow line items are derived so that the rounding is done after summing all the Electronic Payments and Cheque line items.GRE01192019
General Ledger.webTrial BalanceA correction has been applied to resolve an issue that occurred when generating a single month report using the formatting options 'Pre-Close Actuals' and 'Year to Date Totals'.TRI02191973
Home PageHomepageA correction has been applied to the homepage to highlight the menu item when it's click and load the requested page in the centre screen.MAR02192119
Home PageSchool Calendar EventsA correction has been applied to resolve an issue where the 'School Calendar Events' section was not being displayed.SST01192051
Kiosk PortalPreferencesA correction has been made to the Staff Kiosk email signature preference to prevent pasting in of images into the editor.MER01190780
Kiosk PortalSchool Calendar (Maintain)A correction has been applied to resolve issues where calendar events with very large descriptions prevented attachments from being viewed in 'My Calendar'.NAM01190279
Kiosk PortalStudents in Sickbay TodayA correction has been applied so that section 'Students in Sickbay Today' is populated regardless of the number of days a student spends in Sickbay (for example, an overnight stay).ABB01187821
ListingsExtra Curricular List - StudentA correction has been made to the Extra Curricular Listing to ensure that when exporting to Excel the Activity Level is formatted as 'Text'.STE01192120
ListingsStudent Details (List/Emails)A correction has been applied to ensure the correct pronoun keyword is resolved when generating emails.RED20192155
Medical.webStudent Illness / Daily LogA correction has been made to resolve an issue in Student Lookup windows when searching for a student first name or surname that contains an apostrophe.DOW01189056
Parent Accounts.webBuilding Fund Report/MergeA correction has been applied to resolve an issue that occurred when generating a report using the 'Updated By/On' Date Range options.CON01185659
Parent Accounts.webElectronic Receipt ProcessingA correction has been applied to the 'Generate Receipts' process to ensure that address field data is truncated where required for the generated receipt.STH01191187
Parent Accounts.webGenerate Fee ReceiptsA correction has been applied to resolve an issue that occurred when option 'Include Parent Name in Comment Line 1' was selected and the parent's name was longer than 40 characters.NOR03177337
Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesA correction has been applied to resolve an issue where printing a report from a specific column selection included all parent accounts in that payment schedule, rather than just those related to the selection.MAR02191971
Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesA correction has been applied to resolve an issue where the applied filter was not being retained after viewing a single account.MAR02189150
Parent Accounts.webReceiptingA correction has been made to resolve an issue with the 'Totals' value to include the total value of all results when more than 1000 have been displayed.MTS02a188569
Parent Accounts.webStudent Billing GridA correction has been applied to resolve an error in the 'Student Billing Grid' when the Students 'Other Names' was greater than 30 characters. The size of the 'Other Names' field in the 'Student Billing Grid' has been increased to match the Student Record (50 characters).CAM04192161
Parent Lounge > Home PageParent LoungeA correction has been made to resolve the issue where the collapsible menu at the top of 'Parent Lounge', 'Staff Kiosk' and 'Student Cafe' weren't displaying correctly and the items in the menu couldn't be selected when they were viewed on mobile phones.MTS01192256
Parents.webGenerate/Send SMSA correction has been applied to include Parents who have a valid SMS when filtering on a Parent Code when the Parent is only attached to a Student via Communication Rules.KIN01190904
Past Students.webPast StudentsA correction has been made to resolve an issue on the Past Student 'Extra Curricular' tab where no data was being displayed based on the selected past student code.KNO01188226
Past Students.webPast Students Grid EntryA correction has been applied to resolve an issue where filtering using the 'Table Reference UD' field had no effect on the search results.ABB01187929
Past Students.webPast Students Grid EntryA correction has been made to resolve an intermittent issue causing the 'Deceased Flag' filter to not be applied as expected after reloading the 'Past Student Grid'.ABB01190570
Pastoral CareConduct(Setup)A correction has been made to resolve an issue where sorting by the Code column resulted in numeric values being sorted out of order.TOO02189521
Pastoral CarePC Entries (Lists/Emails)A correction has been applied to resolve an issue that occurred when attempting to send PC emails.SHE02192013
Payroll/HROnline TimesheetsA correction has been made to ensure that when accessing 'Online Timesheets' as a Ghosted user, the system the correct Position Roles are applied.MAI01190905
Purchasing.webRequisitionsA correction has been applied to resolve an issue where it was not possible to reject a requisition when the budget had been exceeded.ABP01191733
RollcallCustom RollsA correction has been made to 'Custom Rolls' to ensure that when the 'Default students to' parameter in 'Custom Roll Parameters (Setup)' is set to 'Absent' students are correctly marked as 'Absent' when the roll is saved.ABP01190535
RollcallRollcallA correction has been applied to resolve an issue that occurred when generating a Student Attendance Report where an 'Absent From Class' record had overwritten an 'Absent From School' record.MEN01191735
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent MedicalA correction has been made to amend the labels from Tours and Excursions to Events and Payments / Events & Payments / Events.N/A192487
Staff Kiosk > LMSLMS AssessmentA correction has been applied to resolve an issue where content and annotations were not being displayed on PDF documents after page five on long documents.CHA04191920
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HRA correction has been made to resolve an issue where teachers were receiving an internal error message when trying to enter leave entitlements by applying for two part days of any two types of leave for the same day and there were timetabled lessons for that day.HIL001192439
Staff Kiosk > TeacherGroupsA correction has been made to change the 'Tours and Excursions' label to 'Events and Payments'.N/A192489
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning SupportA correction has been made to resolve an issue where not having the "--Add Adjustments" and "--Edit Adjustments" permission points did not prevent using this functionality.ROC01192436
Staff Kiosk > TeacherNotificationsA correction has been made to change the 'Tours and Excursions' label to 'Events and Payments'.N/A192488
Staff Kiosk > ToursApprove Tours/ExcursionsA correction has been made to ensure that an event approver does not need 'Account Responsibility' to approve an eventMTS01192347
Staff Kiosk > ToursEvents and Payments OptionsA correction has been made to ensure the tax is calculated when the user fills out the price field and is not editable.ABP01192443
Staff Kiosk > ToursEvents and Payments OptionsA correction has been made to resolve an issue to prevent changes of Unit Sell Price, Options and GL Account when there are payments or Pending Payments for an Event.N/A192427
Staff Kiosk > ToursEvents and Payments Options

A correction has been made to resolve these issues:

  1. If a student has student tour options record(s) for an event, their student tour status can be changed from 'Accepted' to 'Invited'.
  2. If a student has been accepted for an event and has 'Payment' or 'Payment pending' for that event, they cannot be declined.
  3. If a student has student tour options record(s) for an event, the 'Tour Option' can be set to 'Inactive'.
Staff Kiosk > ToursTours/Excursions (Maintain)A correction has been made to resolve an issue when sending SMS/Notifications via the Events module causes an Oops! error when the SMS and Notifications are selected.BAL01192318
Staff Kiosk > ToursTours/Excursions (Maintain)A correction has been made to resolve an issue where Students invitations aren't updating to 'Accepted' when a payment has been made.MTS01192316
StudentStudentsA correction has been applied to resolve an issue that occurred when using the 'Campus' filter to search for students over multiple campuses.CHA04189661
Student.webVSR Batches (Vic)A correction has been applied to resolve an issue where the student middle name reported to VSR was being incorrectly set to the second part of the given name of the student. The middle name shown on the VSR tab of 'Student Maintenance' is now used.WOO01188514
TASS UpdatePre-billing ReportA correction has been applied to resolve an issue where running the 'Parent Account Pre-Billing Report' when there are no Billing Structure or Discount structure rules set up for the selected Billing Period.CAT01189588
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webAuto PaymentsA correction has been made to resolve an issue in downloading bank files during an Electronic Payment.STM06192238
TASS.web > APIAPI Gateway MaintenanceA correction has been made to resolve an issue where the numbers were being formatted without leading zeros for the teacher.csv file and with leading zeros for the other .csv files. All the numbers are now formatted with leading zeros when generating csv files for upload into the Microsoft School Data Sync (SDS).LAK02192385
TASS.web > APIEdumate to TASS APIA correction has been made to ensure that email addresses are validated to a correct standard email format. E.g. must contain @ symbol and complete .com or .au.N/A192268
TASS.web > APIStudent Details APIA correction has been made to resolve an issue where if concurrent API calls were made, some of them would fail.PRI02192237
TASS.web > APIStudent Details APIA correction has been made to resolve an issue where the 'Student Details API' (getCommunicationRulesDetails endpoint) was returning the same person name twice for the M and F related records.SCO05192375
TASS.web > Attendance.webAttendance SetupA correction has been made to resolve an issue where teachers could select the 'Late for School' absentee type even though the 'Late for School' option was set to 'Never visible to Teachers'.ABP01192200
TASS.web > Attendance.webDaily InquiryA correction has been made to resolve an issue where staff were getting an Oops! error when trying to access 'Daily Inquiry'.KNO01192449
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolmentsA correction has been made to resolve an issue where emails were not being sent to staff when a 'Past Student' was entered as an 'Enrolled' parent.MER01192203
TASS.web > Extra Curricular.webActivity GroupsA correction has been made to improve the load time of the Activity Group program when a large number of Extra Curricular activities are present.CAM01192174
TASS.web > General Ledger.webCash Flow StatementA correction has been made to resolve an issue where amounts were rounding incorrectly in the Cash Flow Statement.GRE01192019
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Census (Aus)A correction has been made to resolve an issue where an Oops error was occurring when running the Census (AUS) report with the "Separated" gender filter is selected.KIN01192411
TASS.web (General)Change CompanyA correction has been applied to prevent companies that have been permanently disabled from being displayed except to 'root' users.STJ16192022
TASS.web (General)LDAP/SAML MaintenanceA correction has been made to resolve an intermittent issue when using SAML across multiple portal products that caused users to navigate to the portal homepage instead of the selected menu item.STJ11192045
TASS.web (General)Upload UtilityA correction has been made to ensure mandatory fields in the 'Student Data' upload are validated as 'Required' and to ensure that only fields provided in the upload file are updated.MLC01192042
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webBPay Receipts ProcessingA correction has been made to resolve an issue when receipts were being duplicated when uploading a BPAY file.CEO01192329
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webStudent Billing GridA correction has been made to prevent an error when selecting numeric UD fields, not changing anything then subsequently changing one and saving.SAM01192191
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)QCAA Grid (Qld)A correction has been made to resolve an issue causing an 'Oops' error when saving the 'Map Genders' in the QCAA grid.MTS01192287
TASS.web > StudentQCAA Grid (Qld)A correction has been made to resolve an issue where gender mappings for the QCAA Grid (Qld) weren't displaying correctly.N/A192322
TASS.web > Student.webChange Subject CodeA correction has been made to the data type which resulted in an error being generated when changing a 'Subject Code'.SHA01192243
TASS.web > Student.webDetails ListingA correction has been made to resolve an "Oops!" error occurring when the 'Australian Immunisation Register' fields were selected as 'Additional Fields' (Enterprise mode only).AUS10185770
TASS.web > Student.webQCAA Grid (Qld)A correction has been made to resolve a validation error that was occurring when saving or exporting the 'QCAA Grid Export' when the 'Given Name' (as a combination of First Name + Other Name) exceeded 30 characters.ABP01192405
TASS.web > Student.webSCSA Processing (WA)A correction has been made to resolve an issue where only the first name in the 'First Name' field was being included in the 'Enrolment: Endorsed Programs (ENEND)' government report (for 'SCSA Processing (WA)') when all names in the 'First Name' field should be included.AUS10192429
TASS.web > Student.webSCSA Processing (WA)A correction has been made to resolve an issue where the 'Campus' selection was not being filtered correctly in the .csv file exported from the 'SCSA Processing (WA)' program.SWA01192341
TASS.web > Student.webSES Export (Aus)A correction has been made to the 'SES Export (Aus)' to stop the content of 'Address Line 1' from being duplicated into 'Address Line 2' unexpectedly.KIN01183212
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Subject Grid EntryA correction has been made to resolve an issue causing an Oops error to be generated when saving the 'Student Subject Grid Entry', if a timetable hadn't been selected.STP10192331
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Change Subject CodeA correction has been made to resolve the issue of an 'Oops' error appearing when using 'Change Subject Codes'.CEO01192223
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Details ListingA correction has been made to resolve an issue where an Oops! error was being generated when attempting to create/use a saved configuration for a Details Listing.SWA01192312
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Transfer Students to PastA correction has been made to resolve an issue where transferring departed students to Past Students, the Title is populating as Miss instead of Mr for male students.SHE02192281
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Upload UtilityA correction has been made to ensure mandatory fields in the 'Student Data' upload are validated as 'Required' and to ensure that only fields provided in the upload file are updated.MLC01192042
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsA correction has been made to exclude non-current teachers from both the Substitutions Grid and Substitutions Maintenance screens.SWA08192319
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsA correction has been made to resolve an issue when teacher leave was added for a school with a unitised timetable the teacher leave period year group was being wrongly populated.STP10192433
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webDaily SubstitutionsA correction has been made to resolve an Oops! error from occurring when searching for a teacher substitution when the teacher has multiple Timetables.AUS10192323
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webTeachersA correction has been made to resolve an issue causing an Oops! error to occur when view/editing a teacher's records when the number of teacher unavailable periods for that teacher was greater than 500.CLA01192355
TASS.web > Timetable.webImport DataA correction has been made to resolve an issue when some timetable records/teacher subjects were not being uploaded during the timetable import.SWA01192285
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceA correction has been made to the Identity Management API (setStudent end point) to ensure the Email Address and Student Cafe Flag are not altered when the Students Alternate ID is set.VIL01192193
TeacherNotificationsA correction has been applied to resolve an error when sending SMS messages to a Tour that includes siblings.TRI04192070
TeacherRequisitionsA correction has been applied to display the correct amount for 'Unit Cost' on a Requisition when the creator or approver are viewing the Requisition with 'Cost Incl Tax Amount' ticked.MTS01192152
TeacherRequisitionsA correction has been applied to resolve an issue where it was possible to clone a purchase order when the 'Account Responsibility' had been removed for a user.WOO01190973
Teacher Records.webTeachersA correction has been made to resolve an issue where that the Detailed Timetable is not displayed as expected under certain circumstances.KIN01190491
Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceA correction has been applied to allow the use of accented characters when exporting CSV files using the Apple School Manager API.COO02189864
Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceA correction has been applied to the Online Enrolments API to populate the 'Student Other Names' when the stud_other_names is used in the setEnrolment endpoint.LAK02189548
Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceA correction has been made to the getEmployeesDetails end point of the EmployeeHR API to ensure that where the employee is a teacher, the correct email address is returned.KEN01192097
Utilities.webChange Logs GridA correction has been made to the Change Logs Grid to indicate changes made to the Employee Indigenous Status field.KNO01192130
Utilities.webData Upload UtilityA correction has been applied to allow the hyphen character to be used in the student code field.STJ01192041
Utilities.webEmail SettingsA correction has been made to ensure that when using a Unitised Timetable the 'Year Group' keyword in Pastoral Care email templates is populated as expected.STJ11190849
Utilities.webPortal Security PermissionsA correction has been applied to resolve an issue where Teacher Kiosk Request permissions where not showing on the printed User Permissions Listing spreadsheet.COO02189790
Webbook (Portal)Enter ResultsA correction has been applied to display the Surname, Given Name and Preferred Name (if different) in webBook when editing comments for another class as a Restricted or Unrestricted user. Previously, only the Surname was appearing.LAU01138994

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