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DoE Financial Questionnaire Preparation Checklist


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Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup.

On the 'Group Codes' tab create group codes for each DoE FQ item that is required for the questionnaire.

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Finance > General Ledger > Account & Journal Info > Accounts Grid Entry.

Use the Accounts Grid (Chart of Accounts) to enter a group code against each respective GL Account that is required for reporting within the questionnaire.

Using the 'Active Accounts Only' option will exclude the accounts that are not currently being used.

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Finance > General Ledger > Account & Journal Info > Accounts.

To generate the report that groups accounts (and their pre-close balances) by the DoE FQ Item code do the following:

  1. Use the Accounts menu to run an 'Accounts List'. On the 'Accounts' filter page, select the 'Year' to base the report, and then click 'GO'.

Untick the 'Active Accounts Only' option to ensure all accounts are included in the report.

2. Once the accounts have displayed on the screen click the 'Print' button at the top of the screen.

3.  On the 'Print Chart of Accounts' screen select the option 'Summary by Group Code – Pre Close' and click 'Run'.

  • Complete

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