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TASS.web Cheque Stationery Instructions

TASS.web contains one Cheque Layout.

It is important that early planning is done to ensure that the correct cheque stationery is on hand before the first live cheque run using the TASS.web software. Your bank may need to approve your cheques which could cause delays. Allow at least 4-6 weeks for the production of your cheques.

To arrange your cheque stationery, you will need to send the following 3 items in hard copy to your stationery supplier. TASS can provide you in 'hard copy' items 1 and 3 on request. You will need to produce item 2 yourself using a sample cheque PDF file that TASS can also send you upon request.


  1. A sample of a cheque that contains the pre-printed component only (i.e. the part of the cheque stationery that will be pre-printed by your stationery supplier).

  2. A sample of a cheque that contains the TASS.web printed component. This will need to be printed from the actual printer that you intend to use for printing your cheques (This is needed so that your stationery supplier can accurately align your cheque stationery to match your specific printer).

  3. A sample of a fully printed cheque (containing both components), so that you and your stationery supplier can easily see what the finished cheque and remittance advice will look like.

When producing item 2, you should ensure that you use the actual computer and printer that you will be using to generate your cheques. Follow these instructions when producing the sample to ensure the correct Adobe PDF reader settings are selected:

  • Install or update to the latest released version of Adobe Reader®.

  • Print the sample cheque PDF document (Item 2) with the following three settings in the Print dialog screen:

    1. Page Scaling = None.

    2. Auto-Rotate & Center = checked.

    3. Choose Paper Source by PDF Paper Size = checked.

Please call the TASS.web helpdesk if you have any questions with these instructions.

Once you have provided your stationery supplier with the 3 items listed above, they will then send you a proof of the cheque for testing/confirmation. Do not accept a proof by fax or digital format. You should receive a proof in hard copy and test it by physically printing the sample cheque (item 2) onto it (obviously ensure you receive enough proofs from the stationery supplier to provide sufficient testing).


It is your school's responsibility to ensure that the stationer's proof aligns with the sample cheque/remittance advice (Item 2). The cheque/remittance layout in the TASS.web software is used by every TASS.web customer that generates cheques. TASS cannot make programming changes to the Cheque Layout if your stationery does not align properly.

You must use the printer that will be used for printing all cheques. It is possible there could be slight variations between different models of printers.

TASS Suggested Stationery Supplier

Printplus Phone: 07 3277 9288

Printplus supplies a large number of TASS.web customers with their cheque stationery. They already hold samples of items 1 and 3. This means that you would only need to provide them with item 2. If you choose to use Printplus for the production of your cheques, then please ensure you advise them that you are intending to print cheques using the TASS.web software.

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