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Sendgrid SMTP Integration Checklist

Before commencing this checklist:

  • you must have a valid Sendgrid account and email address.

  • you must have SMTP enabled. If you do not have SMTP enabled, refer to the Mail Server Requirements article for setup guidance.

You must setup SMTP integration with Sendgrid (other methods are not supported by TASS).





Create an API Key from the following link –


The key must include “Mail” permissions.

Save this key somewhere safe. 



Go to your Mail Server/Cloud Hosted Application.

Locate the SMTP Relay/Server Host called 



Enter the username: apikey

For the password, enter the API key that you generated in Step 1.



Enter the port details.

For an SSL connection, the port will be 465.

For a TLS connection, the port will be 587.



Provide TASS Technical Services with your MX endpoint so our team can assist you with the configuration. 



Ensure your SPF record matches the public IP of your TASS web server host.

Refer to the Sendgrid SPF Records Explained article for more information.



After you have successfully integrated the SMTP API, refer to the SendGrid Building an X-SMTPAPI Header article for more information about creating SMTP emails.


When using SMTP to send emails through SendGrid, it's essential to be aware of the following rate limits: 

  • You may send up to 5k messages per SMTP connection. 

  • You may open up to 10k concurrent connections from a single server. 

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