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Include a Customised Footer with a Scanned Signature on the Purchase Order Print


Menu Path



TASS.web Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Print POs.

Print out a standard purchase order for reference (before making any changes), using TASS.web Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Print POs.



Scan the signature of the person who signs the purchase orders (if you want this to print automatically on the purchase order).

The signature image should be saved in a 'gif' file format and have approximate attributes of 200 pixels in width by 25 pixels in height.

It needs to be saved as po_signature.gif and placed onto the Web Server in the folder:


If you have different scanned signatures for different companies, create multiple images and save them as posignature_XX.gif (where XX equals the company code) in the same directory.

This step is not necessary if you do not want a scanned signature printing on the purchase order.



Locate and open the purchase order print initialisation file poprint.ini (using notepad). 

This file will be located on the TASS Web Server in the folder:


Save it as poprint_XX.ini (where XX equals the company code) in the same directory. You may need to save this file multiple times with the applicable company code embedded in the file name if you are producing purchase orders for multiple companies.



Modify the order comment for each poprint_XX.ini file as required.

Referring to the standard purchase order that you printed out in Step 1, the order comment is the text that goes directly under 'Order Total' but above the solid line.

Under the section [Order_Comment] the next four lines indicate your preference for font style, font size, font name and alignment.

For example:

  • font-style=ITALIC,BOLD

  • font-size=10

  • font-name=Arial

  • align=LEFT

The next line contains the actual comment text you wish to print.

For example:

Text=Please quote this purchase number on your tax invoice to enable invoice payment.

Make any changes that you require and save the file again.

Important! Do not put any spaces before or after the equal signs.



Modify the footer comment for each poprint_XX.ini file as required.

Referring to the standard purchase order that you printed out in Step 1, the footer comment is the text that goes directly under the double lines at the bottom of the purchase order.

Under the section [Footer_Comment] the next four lines indicate your preference for font style, font size, font name and alignment.

For example:

  • font-style=ITALIC,BOLD

  • font-size=10

  • font-name=Arial

  • align=LEFT

The next line contains the actual comment text you wish to print.

For example:

text=Safety Requirements: All plant and substances supplied to and/or installed at the school must comply with XXXXXXXXX.

AUTHORISED BY:...................   .../.../...

To achieve blank lines (white space), use carriage returns.

Long lines of text will word wrap when they exceed the Purchase Order width.

After making your changes save the file again.

Important! Do not put any spaces before or after the equal signs.



TASS.web Finance > Purchasing > Orders > Print POs.

The final step is to include the scanned signatures from Step 2 above into the poprint_XX.ini file.

If you don't have scanned signatures, you don't need to do this.

Under the section [Image]:

The next three lines specify configuration settings relevant to the image name (source) and required position (x=horizontal, y=vertical) on your Purchase Order:

  1. src=images/posignature_XX.gif (Use this line to link to the correct signature file as set up in Step 2. If you have different signatures for different companies, make sure you link to the correct one.)

  2. xposition=225

  3. yposition=29

This is the position that you want the scanned signature to print on the purchase order.

You effectively move the image around the page by altering x and y positions. You may need to experiment a little and reprint your test purchase order a few times until you are satisfied with the position of the scanned signature.

1 mm = 2.828 pixels. Therefore a yposition of 29 is 10.25 mm from the bottom of the screen. An xposition of 225 is 79.5 mm from the left of the page.


Do not put any spaces before or after the equal signs.

After making your changes, save the file again and reprint a test purchase order.


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