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How to Setup Automated Review Triggers

Automated review triggers can be setup to run based on either of two methods:

  • The 'Next Review Date' on the employee record

  • A system calculation based on the 'Hours required for Review' compared with the 'Hours since the Last Review' on the employee record.

Next Review Date Method

  1. Enter the 'Next Review Date' on the 'Payroll Details' tab in program Payroll > Employee Information > Employees.

  2. When this date is due to fall within the next pay run, a message will be printed on the Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Pay Run Reset report reminding you that a review is due for this employee.

  3. The message will continue to print until the 'Next Review Date' on the 'Payroll Details' tab in program Payroll > Employee Information > Employees is reset.

Hours Since Last Review

  1. Enter the 'Last Review Date' and 'Hours required for Review' on the 'Payroll Details' tab in program Payroll > Employee Information > Employees.

  2. Indicate the paycodes that are to be used by the system in calculating the hours since the last review.  This is done on the 'Paycode' tab in program Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup.

  3. The system will sum the hours worked since the last review date for each pay run.

  4. When the 'Hours required for Review' equals 'Hours since Last Review' for an employee and is due to fall within the next pay run, a message will be printed on the Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Pay Run Reset report reminding you that a review is due.

Tip! If you need to change 'Next Review Date' or 'Hours required for Review' on multiple employee records it may be quicker to use program Payroll > Employee Information > Employee Grid Entry.

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