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Data Security

Information about how TASS handles personal and private information - with extreme care!

Protecting the data of our customers is of utmost importance to us.

Sharing data with us

When requesting that we provide support or services, you may be asked to provide us with data (for example, a sample of a faulty report, or some data to upload to the product). These may contain personally identifiable or sensitive information. If so, consider the following:

  • Only share what is required. For example, if one student record is enough to show an issue, that is all that should be shared.

  • Provide replication instructions so our team can replicate the issue or generate the report themselves.

Suggested ways to share personal or sensitive information:

  • Attach to ticket in the customer portal.

  • Send a sharing link (e.g., from OneDrive). Include the link in an email or on your ticket.

Don’t send personal or sensitive information via email.

Usernames and Passwords

We need access to your product instance to provide support. Sometimes you’ll need to share access details with us, including usernames and passwords.

It is best to share each credential via a different method. For example, send the username in your ticket, and then call us to provide the password.

We store customer site access details in a secure customer database, where all access attempts are logged, and data is encrypted at rest and in transit.  

Systems Access

We have implemented consistent procedures for access to customer product instances to minimise risk. For customers with self-hosted product instances, please ensure that remote access is provided in compliance with the customer agreement and remote support access policy, and that appropriate measures are taken to maintain the security of the systems that access is provided to. More information is available here: Remote Access Requirements

Third-Party Access

As the commercial relationship exists between us and the customer, we will verify the nature of the relationship that a third-party (eg external consultant) has with a customer and seek permission to interact with them before proceeding to provide support or services.

Data Security Incidents

Contact our customer care team urgently for further assistance if a data security incident is suspected to have occurred which involves our product.

More Information

Click here to view our policies.  

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